Show j ici CO COMPANY Y u IS IJ Oter h er Lon Grade Proposition Prop Prop- In San Francl Francisco co wires of or Pollock Co The California Calaveras Mining Alining company has been organized with n n. capital of ot par value alue of or stock 5 shares In treasury of which will remain us as a perm t fund and shares ure are offered olferd for tor or sale on a basis of or 1 I on subscription z f id lid 1 alance al- al ance arnce In installments of oC 1 each is ts called W. W O. O Man Manson on n a prominent Mining man manof manof manor of or San Francisco Is n 1 r D. D T. T Ad Adams of or Duluth Is vice president nt and associated with them are arc prominent Chicago and 1111 Lake Superior mining In Interests Interests interests In- In who have ha made mado considerable success of or low low grade e ore oro propositions The rime property properly is located local l in Calaveras count county California seven miles mills from Crom a railroad and anti comprises s 7 II cros eres A zone ono of or mineralized s s. s hal J or I schist t runs h tho the property rt for a u dim tanco tonco of or about two 1111 a n hl haC haf C miles with known width of oC from rom t nn to COO GO feet foet and depth of or 40 tiO feet eel so o far OB is Jj ox- ox ex It Is estimated that bout i-bout W tons o of ore are jn in sl sign 1 which should conservatively cly 11 net t tle company cum corn pan pany 1 l t profit per pel ton The Tho conclusion Is has all on reports rt of the operation of oC a four tour tamp tamp i ill now on the property limo rho last 11 live 11 vr- vr years It Is limo Iho Intention of or the company COmpan to erect a stamp 30 mill which will treat ireat about 1500 tons a a. Ii ay and the thc production will be Increased from time lime to time 1 by y the loa of or stamps slumps |