Show p II IN THE CHURCHES II j I. I Church r t t Unitarian Frank Fay E Eddy Y Services Services Ser Ser- Rev Hev Pastor Second hall hail South in Unity vices haJ 11 1 a. a service at nt Ea East t street Morning The J by 13 the pastor pastol on un ho 1 Sermon m mu f I Flesh h The DeVil DeVil-A A World url The FJ Music by hy Mo Modem lo lein ler male S Liberty and the Unity quartet quartet an Y Sunday school at nt 1 1215 quartet evening at 30 p P. U. U meets Sunday Sunda on Hea Readings Headings from morn Emersons Emerson's E Essay I. I of meeting History The regular alliance will bo be held at Unity i Lloyd Lloyl hall hail Lloyc Tuesday fues ay at nt wi 30 2 30 p. p m. m Paper r by hy h It haJ Mr Mrs J J. T F F. Cowan Cown on Liberal 1 nought I in Switzerland S Lutheran J Lutheran The Tho Danish Evangelical Luthern S church Harold Jensen pastor pastO reM reM- reb- reb i Fourth street High mas runS at nt dence 12 1 11 1 o'clock a a. a 0 m. m sermon at S p. p I. I in 1 at nt I the Norwegian lan church 4 46 1 South Fourth East street treel All An Danes and Norwegians conla cordially 1 invited S J h Lutheran Second Swe Swedish Lutheran corner South and Fourth FOUth East gast Emanuel Ryd- Ryd R rl- rl dberg d berg herg pastor Sunday school chool In SwedIsh Swedish Swed Swed- I ish h an and English 10 a a. u in m. Morning service at 11 a n. n m mn m. m Evening service at al atS 8 S p. p rn 0 m. m choir will wi sing Im Thursday evening tho the Luther lengu meets In the time church parlors at 8 p. p m ni All Al welcome leolo S S First Methodist Episcopal First Methodist Episcopal church corner of second South and Second S East streets Benjamin Young oung pac pac- pas pas- tor Services at 11 1 a. a m. m an and p. p m. m Morning topic In Memory of or Edson Coole g Evening subject Cornmon Common Common Com Corn mon S Sense nse and Some Sonic Other Timings Things Sunta Sunday school chool at t 9 t I a. a a m. m Epworth S n All cordially league at nt G 30 I p. p m rn Al are Invited to these the e services East Side Baptist church corner of oC Seventh East and Third South Rev Hev S. S A. A pastor Divine DI worship worship wor wor- or ship suit at nt I 11 1 a a. a in m. m antI and 7 JO 30 p. p m. m MornIng Morning Morn Morn- rolIng rol- rol ing topic The Church the lie Light of ot the Sun Sunday ay school nt at 1 1215 1216 J r rI I p. p in m. Christian ChrIstan Endeavor at G 30 p.m. p.m. p. p m. m Divine worship at 7 3 30 p. p m. m Seimon Selmon Sermon Ser Sel mon Is Man the time c of God Cod Special music In the time evening Including solo olo b by Miss Mis Emma Thompson of or Pueblo All AJ are arc Invited Fh First t Baptist Church S First Baptist t church corner Second Sec See ond South and amid Second West Yest streets Rev D D. A. A Brown pastor Preaching pastor Preaching at 11 1 a. a m. m nn and p. p m. m Sun Sunday ay school at nt 30 12 1 30 F. F J. J Lucas superintendent superintendent ten ent B. B D Y 1 P P. U. U at G 30 p. p m. m Ther T. T her herder er C. C A. A McClure Topic Topic- An n Ens Easy Life Lifo versus a Hard One Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- edI ed I ns a r evening service nt at 7 Topic One Salvation For FOI All AIL A welcome to all aIL Scientist t 1st 5 First Church of Christ Scientist East Third Thir South street Sun street Sunday street Sunday a school chool at 94 n. n m. m Church services s sat iU 4 at 11 a a. ln mu and an s P p. Pm m m. Subject Mind Mind Each Wednesday e nesia evening at 8 S o'clock a meeting Is held to listen to tho the testimony of ot healing of or both sin and sickness All Al are welcome to these services Free Fee reading rooms open dally daily al from 10 IOn n. n m. m to 5 6 p p. p m. m In rooms rooms rooms' Scott building bul Main street Second Church of or Second Church o of Christ Scientist I. I I O. O O. O F. F hall ball corner of Eleventh East an and Eleventh South Lesson sermon at 11 n. n m. m subject Mind In Sunday Sunda school at J 1215 15 p. p m. m Ve Wednesday nes ay evening o testimonial meet- meet at t 8 o'clock All Ali are arc welcome First I Cli Church First Presbyterian church northeast st S corner of or South Temple and C streets streets- Rev Ro William M. M Paden Pa treet panl Rollot 1 en D. D D. D pas pas- tor Morning tor tor Morning service at nr 11 o'clock evening service at 7 30 p. p m m. Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day school 1 12 1230 30 p. p m. m Christan Christian Endeavor En eavor at 6 30 Friday nJ evening eveninG S midweek services on Wednesday n even even- log ing teachers' teachers meeting at prayer pryer and conference at 8 S p. p m. m All AJ seats eats are free A cordial Invitation extended every everyone one to all aJ these services sen Third Church Third Presbyterian church chuch corner Eleventh East and Eleventh South South- Herbert Heibert E. E Hays Huy pastor pastora Wade a e Loofbourow Loot Loof- Loo- Loo superintendent of Sunda chool chool Preaching ng at 11 a. a a m. m Wiry Why h the World orI Needed Nee ed Christ PreachIng Preaching Preach Preach- ing at j 30 p. p m. m Naamans Lep Lerl- ros rosy Sun Sunday school at 12 1215 15 lesson lessun Lots Choice Christian Christan Endeavor it St C 30 p. p m m. An Aim Easy Lifo Life an and a Hart Efard Ono One Prayer meeting Ve Wednes- Wednes nesda nes- nes da lay Ini at 7 i 30 p p. p m m. A heart hearty Christian Christan S welcome for Cor every evry on one A church for Cor he the people St t Marks Mark's rl s 's I St St. Marks Mark's Cathedral C East First South street Rev Benjamin Brews Brewster er dean Services for Cor first cean Sunday unla In Lent Holy communion at a. a u m m. Sunday 0 school at 9 Morning litany m. m prayer any and ant sermon at alII U 11 a. a m. m t. t even evening Jt- Jt nc prayer and sermon at 7 30 VIsitors Visitor and strangers cor cordially Invited St. St PeterS Peter's Chapel St St St. St peter Peters Peter's s chapel G 5 North Second t West Yest street Sunday school at 9 Hi a n. n m. m evenIng V prayer player anti and sermon selmon nion at 4 Fifth Phillips South church and Seventh East Rex Rev P. P A A. A Simpkin streets s this day at 11 1 an and with preaching preach preach- wih ing InS b by the pastor S St. St Pauls Paul's Church St St. St Pauls Paul's church Main and Fourth South streets Rev Charles E. E rector Services Per Per- s mUllion munion s 8 Holy communion corn com a. a m. m Sun Sunday ay school a. a m. m l pra er anti and sermon at 11 O'Clock Evening prayer nn and sermon sermon ser ser- mon at 7 30 o'clock come Visitors wel- wel Al seats tree I V. V 31 U. C. C AMens AMens A. A Mens Men's Meeting Mr J J. J 17 Ii PK for son son International n Thomp- Thomp secretary ot of time the C C. In industrial A. A y be w tire the or of the tho fv Y M. M 1 wi speaker at the fireside fire fire- sIde Jre- Jre fleeting for men In the JObb Sun Sunday ay at 5 p. p m. m Cor Cordial invItation Is exten extended lJ e to nU all men S j ing-j Bos Mt j n. n M. M 1 Fagan vilI be the wi speaker at the tho boys boys' at Special meeting Sun Sunday ny chestra musIc by boys boys' tO M or I All 01 I boys over O Al ii years ars inVited 1 are aro A. A 31 i. i I E. E Chinch h. h 5 Services at A. A if I E. E Bell Del pastor Church chulch J. J C. C and 8 Preaching at ii 1 a. a rn m. p. p m. m Cla Class 3 nl at 1210 school Sunday at 2 p. p p n m. m hold holl What hat M Manner Morning ot of Love Lu r B topIc Behold Be er Hath the he Fath- Fath Upon S. S Ier Us theme them NIght Gods GotIs Voices sic Is time tho feature Good music mu- mu or of Public is is- invited each service Th rie Mormon Church Regular services or of f th tho Church S Jes Jesus ChrIst or of L of b be hehl helt In n iL tho Later Later- day f ny Saints will wi block T Temple at 2 p. p n nl ni today I nt 10 a. a nl in Hn and toia nuM Sunday n school l Public 1 GW J p. p in m. In n Jach each nr of C tho the i e at assembly halls hals cl city city'S ward vaid S English Lutheran S Holy Trinity TrIniy EJ English Lutheran S church 33 South p Fourth F. F v. Bussard 4 II Lent S Services pastor Fist ns as usual day Sunday Sun Sun- at 10 a. a mu m. wih church SUI- SUI Service at ii 11 u. u mu m. ito ito- 5 eal ins in- in on Fri Friday a afternoon o'clock Iii II the tho Sun Sunday s a School chool at rooms room 30 va 1 t I r S 5 L t |