Show I The rho Canny Scot I A well known city officer In lii Auld I Ruckle was celebrated cd tot for his hh cunI cunning cun cun- I ning nillS and wit vit 1 Ills His us mother molher llIS died In Iii Edinburgh he lured hired a hear u and carried lice her to th time the family burying I In li-i the tIme highlands He lie returned with Ui time Ule heat hearse full Cull of or smuggled ik noah and teased about It il by bya b a n friend ho lie said O 0 man mun there thele In is no iio h ha harm Hm run done dOlle I only amity took n away ay iho 1111 hill body and I brou brought ht oae back time the spirit Thie Th S man n. |