Show MYSTERY SURROUNDS DEATH IN NEW NEY YORK Coroner and District Attorney Delay Burial of Wealthy Woman S I X Now New W York Fob Feh Coroner IG Coroner and Assistant District Attorney Nathan Smythe today loday took look possession of or 1 the ihie he body Jody of or Mrs Irs Minerva a Mann Inn an ared woman In In the Stephen Stephn Merrill Merritt huh burial company of or business an arid and or ordered that It Itis' Itis ho is' not cremated d as ns had hiatt hal bran bren arranged Tbt action wan tras Wf title due to lo lie fact that a lawyer acting In th the thic Interests of or Emma 1 M. M I. I Krings a sister of Mrs Mann hail had lal l risked k that an nn Investigation 11 be lie mall made Inoh Into Ino h ez r death th Mrs is Maim Maun was K 55 y years al' al oh old and ahil lt lived Ivel In No 31 l West est C ca CS It tl which whit house she shu sl owned With lh her lived Mrs I r. r her R secretary C who wino assisted In hem r cor- cor 1 In 1 i to iii In on Om-egon coal oal lands in Idaho ale add tone tone- mini rm-nt I houses heie mci-c. Cn Called 11 t I iy To th time the l 1 neighbors Mrs Ir Mann lann was waR known wn as os n a 1 woman with wih a largo large amount of oC jewelry anti and ant a it lot of r money limit but hit sh she hind had few associates Among Among- those who tailed upon 1 her frequently was waN Dr Stev Stev- ens ns nt Ho lie e was almost 1 a a constant visitor rated more moie as a friend than a phy phy- macmu Mrs Mann lieu died on Monday and her body hox was taken charge r of h by the Met Mer- rUt rt people on Tue Tuesday on omm 01 the order of or Dr Stevens RhIn who gave e a a death certificate a of apoplexy and m all ordered that mitt time the II body bod b ii h embalmed ansi and hell held to await the hue ar ar- rival 81 of th the tho sister of or the HI dead ea woman from Chicago II- II 1 then told them tho tue body lol would be he cremated Strange Telephone Mo JA On Wednesday ay sonic some 01 one omme called up imp lp John li K Walker who haul hall b been cn the tho at- at tenc for Mrs Irs Mann ann for man many years urs nn and asked him If hi- hi Il- Il knew his hit client was tie dead Ho lie said ull h he lie hall hail not heard of or It ItHe I ll H He does tON not know the name nune of th tIle the person per per- son 1011 who called calel him him umi up IJ In n Chicago on omm 01 Tuesday Mrs K rings received re r.- re- re c a telegram from flom Dr nr Stevens St toil tell 1 un- un nir her hN that her sister haul had hal died lu an arid and l ask ask- k in lug ng her hut lo to COU come to lo New Ness York Sh Sue She urI ur ur- I 11 itt Ived on Wednesday ny and with wih Mr Walker Walk er r began n n a search for jewelry anti and papers parr known n to lo be te In Mrs Mr Manns Mann's possession lalur allure to find thorn aroused suspicion im md nd n the tw tier Older to halt the tIme burial followed |