Show ELECTRICAL STORMS IDUE II I I HUE DUE TO SUN SPOT i Astronomers Cannot Tell ReaSon ReaSon ReaSon Rea- Rea Son For Phenomenon at Present Time M MANY NY FREAKS EXPECTED Pint Tiro Alarm l SI Signals May piny 0 Be He Sounded iJ by Imy Currents until mill Telephones Put lut o Out Oat of Order r II I I 1 New York Feb Feh 15 16 Statements I Imado made mado today tOllay by hy members of oC the Co Ce- Columbia lumbia university astronomical de- de pat nt corroborate the n reported discovery of n CL huge sun spot by ProC Professor Pro Pro- C fessor sor John A A. Brashear of or the Allegheny Al- Al A Al Allegheny 1 observatory at PIttsburg Astronomers through tho the country are arc watching the spot with interest inasmuch much as aR It IL has baa appeared unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpectedly and anti at nt a time when such elicit u w or- are arc rare No 0 theory ha has been advanced to account ac no- I count for or the appearance of the huge spot at this tills time I Professor H JL Jacoby head of Columbia's Columbia's Co Co- lumbia's department of astronomy said today The rime rh large sun un spot was observed this morning at nt the university through a small telescope cope the tho equatorial beIng being being be be- ing dismounted temporarily The spot appeared about an me described by Dr of Allegheny It Is unusually unusually unusually ally large Jare but mt no larger than Is 19 frequently frequently fre fre- the case cne with sun pots nt at periods of gr greater solar Rolar activity Will 1111 III Cai Cause o Distill According to Dr S. S A. A Mitchell II of the Columbia astronomical laboratory the thc spot Is hi sure surl to affect rl 16 to some extent Dr Mitchell Mit Mit- Mitchell it- it chell i said ald Every eleve eleven n nm and tenth one-tenth years eal there are a great number 1 of oC spots s on the time sun Tho rho maximum of or this pe period period pe- pe occurred about t two years ago so that it is a little unusual to find so 80 big big-a. big a spot at tills time The spots spott trav travel l from east to we west t across s the time I face ace of the thc sun taking about t twelve wI days t in so doing For the next we week k th therefore tho the great spot will be avery a avery very conspicuous object Its length lengths Is s calculated at miles mUs or mono moie than on one eighth of the suns sun's diameter When the lilt spot ai arrives rives nt at the center cem r of oC the sun which will take tako about two days ays w wo iv may look Inuit for COl some sump peculiar electrical disturbances c such as ring ring- ringing In Ing fh o alarm boxes or the temporary cessation of telegraph a- a tion tiun It is quite likely that for Cor several nights to come displays of northern rn lights i antI and of or the aurora auroia borealis may mayb maybe maybe b be seen Electrical disturbances usually wm- wm usually ally occur l early as a result sull of oC j sunspots sun un- spots As hAs compared d to the earth the spot Is four tour times the time diameter of the time earth nd j i lid Is the largest of oC its Iti J kind Ind seen in hi inmany I many many ma years ears s cm Yh It appears just at this I Is Impossible to tu say Garrett p P. P Serviss the astronomical expert today lal about tl tN tho pJ e- e It If the Influence of this UtIs st sunspot is i- felt hero here it will probably take the till form of a magnetic storm and of nt an aurora borealIs By H B ma magnetic storm I do nut not j I jInfer infer that there then will be bl thunder anti and I IlI lI lightning or nr any oth other 1 visible or 01 and aud audible ible manifestations It Is quite common cum com cummon j aUcI-j mon for fOl a severe trl magnetic storm l t to rage while th thin the sky I is blue and amI the time sun shining Its Us first effects are art Oh observed erV on nn tI telegraph and ancl telephone instruments instruments ments causing alternate surges S and anti ebbing of oC the electrical current In other oilier words there Ij Is a me series of or eler- eler Jc C trio waves wa with a slackening of or power i OWl In him the intervals These greatly Inter Inter- ere with time the telephone and anti telegraph I services services- At times these waves t are ac accompanied Ul companied b by thunderstorms but hut nora not nor a as a rule rulo I Sr Iss s Solution of SItA Spot SIt A sunspot Is a sign of or some dl disturbance disturbance dis dis- or On upheaval aval upon UI Ute time sur sm surface J face uce or 01 l envelope elope of th time sun Probably Probably abl ably a mass amass of or heated g gases Res are un re released rt- rt lC j le leased sl ll interior fhe These force their ways war I to tu the surface wh where re the time colder all aim condenses them Into a cloud The cloud of oC partly pallI cooled ooh d dupor vapor settled s back upon the suns sun's surface absorbing the thc light that Ila passes s through It and ancl forming what hat is Known as a sunspot j Certain parts of or the thu suns sun's surface are arc less s liable Halll than others to th those eruptions Just a as aIom some parts of the earth arc are volcanic while others are not There is an undoubted e electric I magnet connection het between the sun and our atmosphere but it does s tint not I always a manifest Itself at the time time th the sunspots foun lots appear That wo we shall rea re- re e cel a ln an any noticeable off effects from th the tho I present sunspot seems to m me doubtful doubt 1 I ful Cui t I |