Show LEADER IN MOSCOW rosco Always Activity When Elusive Terrorist Makes Himself Known TWENTY MURDERS HIS OWN Only 2 27 25 Year s Old Russian sod cl Police mill and Soul Out Ou Mos ales Ies- Ies irs of ur Death S SL St Petersburg Fob Terrorism C. C has triumphed 1 over time the police That is the lesson of the Ow last month OUI In Ink which five officials of or first fm-at class rank fell ell to pOl political oR Even i Si St Pot Pot- crt burg the time hit bet policed 1 city chy In lii the time empire em- em pire pire has been Invaded IU by hy halll hands of desperadoes des who trim light pitched battle with the tho police and get awa away safely Moscow V is I now the time radiating center of or the terrorists To fo every er city In tn the Iho empire em em- III pire ihre Moscow w Is iii sending out emissaries of death deat For POI the lime time on ott record all the time terrorists organizations have l been een affiliated l and are fre at last under th time the eon con control 1101 of one ant strong hand on-I on Tho ThI Til police pollee know the owner Of or that I hand ond have e even en n traced him to various yam var ar arlous ious bus Moscow houses Hut HtmL each Mch time ho lie hohas has hUR been warned earned of oC the Impending ar- ar test anti and has escaped The ThE of ot the tho terrorists I Is named Stu ln Sue Such Is his hiM real name but ut he lie laos has many aliases Uy By lr menus means of or forged ell passport of or whIch he lie has an 1 Infinite supply he hi lies has moved mo et from one Moscow quarter to lO another and amid In ever every quarter In which he tins has has resided there has been beena n nn a n sudden Increase Iner nse of or revolutionary acU- acU vity vly began hi him career in Warsaw w. w Ho Ito fired Ired point luau blank at an the th governor go General Sailon was captured and ond sentenced sn sen need k-need to death He lIe escaped on the tw t. eve ot of hits his Ils execution date A month later laler he Ime hewa wa v as traced to Vilna and amid disguised as is asan 9 isaim an au old man roan 1 he lie organized d t a n series of or at attempts attempts at- at tempts on high police officials When hen na became too hot he lie hI took tool he time train to Moscow Time The fw police prepared pre jre- pared to gC seize ze him at the depot but nuts miss ed 1 him A few rw da days 1335 later lutt they learned that a man In a generals general's uniform whom they had hind mistaken for or the time assistant governor gov gov- was the lie th dreaded ltd terrorist On arriving arriving- at lIo Moscow cow set Iet about urging to Increased act activity th the li various I terrorist fIO organizations lie I h organized or em time the leaders in iii a a Hying squad he sent all al 0 over Russia to carry carryout carryout out the work voik of removal J Tin Tiit result ha has hasI I 1 heen een a elI of rs all al over o nm Russia ia all ni traced to is only orly 21 orM or of age and andover andover over twenty murders anti and ant attempts to mur murder er make wake up lii his record thus llama far |