Show o x c TOM KEARNS KARNS PUTS UP HIS LAST EAST WHITE CHIP Attempts to Hire Hie Recruits for Washington Excursion Meet With f Failure Hure His Ills Last Gun to be he Fired at the Senate Loaded With Mass Massof of Calumny for foi Utah V V V 1111 hirelings and dupes of ni Tom om K 1 oar us a C are rr re lo to gather In Washington today in hi il a final nal elicit effort to ea rat senator 1010 from fl 1 Utah itOh Thin flit K i. l Ill l' carrying out time the plan of if 1 I and Keith Ih announced In Iti flit ni January y J I IK K 8 Then 10 may be tC who some ho are C their honest hont cil but hit that dint the tue he hireling Ii it'd lOgS r and all dupes ii will i ill I be I h there thI Is I certain N V Iho 1110 ni colossal scheme lor time die defamation of if U l Utah aim ah i throughout ho thin Kasi Im has been h 1 n a signal 1 failure V alt although I there I hr lias iiii Ji been no Ito JO Ill little tie dl ml q lay of one of It I details S To TC o o gl c even on J loin I Ills lii hi due dime he lie le has lias dod in km gathering enough i coplo to make mal z n demonstration demon hut but It I I is hOt noi JOI large e. e enough h to IH Tom Toni V S Mos of Ih time the Ilal mall delegation from frol Salt s1 Ial traveled oled 11 to tn Washington hll on tickets l hOI bought ht 1 by Tom Tom om 1 11 pay the die til hotel hills bills hm ulI Unit and how much more n only I Tom rum Ids hl- hl hirelings know kimon V Tom Timia has minnie Julle tuo U t o since Itie his 1114 hi Ignominious retreat from roni rm Washington toJ It I m may I be lie lieI I that lit lie mii i 11 a lesson from flOI his hii hi i e S SIn In at least two instances his money Was not good I Ills II Ii second l cl cry dl nI HIS vuis that dint his imi hi funds mil iti wore WIC running too low Iov to tn allow him to 1 moot nie the timi demanded de dr- he- he by h me Out of f tile his hl to I assist it In the hit III dastardly clu WUI work soiL of or defaming Utah before the lie II 3 C of the die nation S tl V fh The Ji Dishonorable I Thomas Marled Omit nut for fm a i url nl roundup of h hs lii to 0 start noire more of them themon on I their wn nay ay to Washington ICU to 0 enter t their heir 1 or 1 onil lal 11 protests t. t In iii tin hit United SUIl States l to o i-o nn lor who 11 was assisted n In Ills his for fill fo 1 lie tho til 0 to his i hlO place h by ly Tom rom Cu 1 ns Koai-ns himself I His IiA Hi Ir l i t net as US t as to rouse rome Id Ia u ll Keith 1 from rota hi his snowbank lull 11 couch ID logo n go o with him carry arry r. r lime tho tIl- tIl tIlmon mon money t-lt t li which ho ime attempted to 10 hire a it I prominent II of ol Salt Sni ii he ul ills tili hi wife lo in go to tn Washington o ton to 0 assist in il III t lii I Ih tho he nIO M from flom Utah S l Kearns CiC OHP senator from Utah offered this uk thi citizen cn a n sum sum 11 of money lon lo to U VV all railroad expenses IS I'S for rO I Iho In- InI I I trip Ill I'll from flOI room Salt S1 aJ I iila Itla to Washington ahin tl U ul and I hotel expenses ues for fO the Hie- h trip rip otter llio 1 Iii refused and amid Tom did feel lilt bit easier when th die ilie inn man whom ho lit hind had approached h. h was WIS mil not mint a mm I hI mm Il slated nINI Jo lOh 1 I h CI ely lint hat I lio II was done wi h lie die t I II n parly in him Salt Sal I Lla amid n lel would oile Hull gl gho h C no TIC 10 support to lo any Ut lai parly Is' Is t that lint nt maintained and anh uphold a 1 set sei N of gia grafters tiers such lIch u as u. u are now no In hi II control of or if time tho city go Tom lOii ln didn't t 11 like Ilko this this- and nul started hIl his hi bulldozing tnt tnt-lles oNI hut but hil succors Tom rom 1104 his learned l of or die timi power of or money In II lie tho th Int last two t o ears CH while spending die Hu profits of the itO Sil er King l 11 1 lug In InI I ifs his hi en campaign nI of or defamation kimi of or t thc lit V state zit I which lIlli once honored him With Ihl tills Imn knowledge II he I wont 11 to tl 1 another lint en citi it eli i of Sa Salt al I t l Ia ako Li a and III brought ht d direct 11 lift uro IC t I lo 0 bear t I In ii I his hi ii at ul attempt to tl o force tills for former fol- fol ei- ei mer f 1111 of ot Ihl party with wilh iiI hi lo to n W go ii to Washington S Toms Tom's money wasn't It good I r hl his ducats ducats- t tT T V VI I IIo I. I Ic met Jt with lh another rebuff ben hel he lie 11 found i that hat In II this en so hl his money was wn good hut but I there lucre there tt was as not hot lul enough h a available V This se U vuis un 0 ro i hmm rm approached a n Salt Sal UiKo woman who i ho ho has liati ho boon been prominent nt In Iii 11 American len LimiT and nie lias- lias turned In lice her l expense XIII accounts to tho In th party O l In Iii campaigns I l lliN li Ii luu patriotic k nui IlI i woman hail had hae no objections io to Via taking icing t lie Iho h I trip hut but hit when It IL came ennie to tl I hiring out cHt for C board and lot lodging ln aunt and Uel railroad im far fau with wih no nn in expense es account for rm Incidentals she hr balked and HIM Ow 1 result 11 of or a n I briny conference i Is J I hat a n shilling hll light In Iii II politics ill 11 te hl- e ml ini 11 from I Itu I lit Iho tu ga gathering I of or I Icim ins lurch hirelings hirelings' tugs t that limi hu t will 11 assemble at at t time Iho capital this 1 week trek V V ul's l' l guard of If ii 1 workers workers- is now 1 in Washington n most nut of diem II Il I bought h by lUIl l in ill il lick 11 d f and with will Toms Tom's tg agreement to in o fool I their l' l expense bills iIiI bl- bl n as atImer a t fur fur- I tImer dici- hll lo to II sour II them on in iii their Iu efforts to tu take nice da tho hut senate of or tho Iii United Stales Slates h by storm nut and blacker hell 11 in hi 11 carrying out tho rl he threat of 41 lUus made Iii Imm sl b h t mouth month So Sli Ilal for fill ho the thC 0 work of Tom Tou 1 In iii II Salt Imko Imla In lii 11 01 hut Iho la lut t 1 feu V S As tn 1 II to In his hI hist U t Irl nl in iii il Washington 1111 during die nI Ia Int t week wl owl and t lie tho trl work rl that will wil iI bo lie Il done today h by hl his hiim hirelings hirelings' hire litre- lings lings' II I it was I iZ old 1111 In lii II T Flit l ho January 18 tHo I H. H On 01 that dale Vt wo n d l. l I ll tho th plans plans- 1 of or Tom C orn and of their hn TrIm who carried ur of or l' l cai rIt- rIt rid 1 tC II agent n lI ln arr r rams ams 11 1 11 KII tn V JJ in jJ il tho tl editorial rooms of I Iho lii iii Tribune V o cu showed l Ihm id that lint ho iii 11 of their heir plans ns I tu crL although h they fell feU latter flatter uis 1 d U c M iZi II Url after thole exposure Of 01 the the hU hundred of nt of hit I. r written in n Salt Sail kC nd i fed 1 by h. r iu lul ia l t af t l l. l IJ one or of li JI K i. i tJ lii W 1 jt r it IL t ur-r ur h I f 1 i V I J hit c aUt d a 1 gi a f. f 1 U 41 it cn eh If 4 l h li TO UI hl orlu 1 tie capitol ti to ii 1 needed Hut Tribune and ull d hiked back to Stilt Salt SaltI to IU replenish tl heavily drained Pr f the lie rn luUk nl I ikc t to lo arrange C for fin II tIle Iho excursion Tom 1 luru i wih and hh went ll lo to tf the tho East lu laM 11 1 on their dastardly lol of iii Utah That I their loin lOO met with wih Mt so n Hi lit tie nc 11 HM duo chu lur largely lI to the Iho II premature an- an of I the lie details of f heir plan published In hi Ih The Flit Torn Tom has just one more white chip left lef and he will vi play it today S To 10 mix UK Jl a bit hU Tom Ja has huau 1111 planned lo to Ih un hl ids ids- lust last JUt gun nl at Lit II tho tiit United Unil- Unil Sit senate on and it i will willbe il be hC Il loaded with lilt hi a U wad u of statements ll regarding the time public i m of or Utah church domination over or u r Mor Mormons mons mOi and t l lh I of the th courts alleged ll nn marriages lR in Jim Utah o since the lime t e manifesto mani reiterate die miserable downfall of nt th the lie U mary parly In II Utah at Cl time die h la In last t elee- elee V festo rail and aHI 1 he 11 will 1 Ill again llo al I lion and ald I at tn hole it its ih deal death ii to church trill influence in iii II politics V tun Tom fuU will 1 Ihl Hood the hi chute with 11 statements that will wi say ay I that dial Utah's public 1111 schools hI ranking among the best liest In iii II the country u. u mire are hlll being used ui-ctt 11 for rO IlI religious religions classes for rO lit die 11 Mormon church V of lx who Clemenson N. N E 12 an the die Iter Hc gan These Thise will wil ihl be In I followed b I by Irom 1101 coin such uch sources OUIS UNS as n. n abusive iOli nt 1 1 cents cent per Inch lit He with other of Us its Il wih supplies the lit Tribune with i Ih a small 1 Inlet Il I of tIme tho state of iii Utah will wi contribute s statements that pol marriages In Utah U are uuie common In lii to I rut ml a IVIO of over o the lie Main be i used an aim attempt r til and thirst hirelings wi Il Id I'd II 1 t of Utah Uth Tom om In hi II lul ills frani fall Ic efforts to unseat th the lie senator from from Utah th will wi li lire ire a broadside II of alleged information tion tiun t lc the the lie domination hut of time tho IJ Mormon church O lI time die til business Interests of die W Male te 81 In lii ho the w n light ht In ii which ho lit has hns to 1 Ignominious Il down ho lw os lI nt As n H of aol agony n as in goes the lie honor and amid good ocl name of lit Iho of or Utah on oui ho tho used ull ecy lort of or Jr his befuddled brain 0 to tu II c tl altar I of If personal lUul haded and nul spite Thomas Kearns will run up imp a against a It el proposition than a ju thin bulkhead of cement mill and rocks blocking the end nel of a mysterious noun I 1 ammunition for m his lul ln hat shot will not hot as n- a t a n lilt bit higher than hall n a Ih piece of cement either OO |