Show DAYS OF BEAUTIFUL BLONDES J SOON NUMBERED SAYS EXPERT PH Pity the man who lives in th the the- year r 2 07 or thereafter His Ills knowledge of or feminine be beauty auty tv will ill be JC confined exclusively ely to th the brunette Speak to him of or blonde ant and he lie E will trio either ask What That Is that or should be an nn unusually well educated man with a knowledge of or antiquity ho will recall the tho haired golden-haired Woman woman woman wo Wo- r man as something that passed out of existence cen centuries before and rated with the dodo au auk or 01 other animals Tills This pr prognostication of or a pathetic condition c. c of ol time the future i is based o othe on the recent statement of ot Professor or t l C. C E. E Woodruff of or New York Tort an erudite student nt who sees necessity to sadden the thc new now year with a public avowal 1 t 1 that blondes ak are becoming extinct In COO years ears ho sal said tin the last las blonde blondo will w only be he a n. memory am and there H is I no chance chanco that the type wl will repeat itself The fie professor Is perhaps right that real blondes are arc becoming fewer buthe bu hut I the trouble Is to tell which are those thon c cof of art The educated peroxide bottle tines doe its beautifying work worl so skillfully no one but a Jealous woman can with will certainty tell thc r real 31 from the Jon If you look at tho the chorus or of the me burlesque and light operas th the prediction pro pre diction of or the tho professor proCessor appears humorous humorous humorous hum hum- orous for eVel every woman on the time tago I hi y a glorIous blonde But nut on the stage e ethey they hey have to b bu be for as one talented actress herself a u blonde put If they didn't have the cute golden haired HUlo things Jn In the chorus chOw tho the me men above 00 GO years couldn't be beo dragged to o the theatre Six hundred years ears lint Much 1111 T Too X Short Is not the time too short hort to wipe out ut th blonde Trusting to unaided tl it would seem that Lillian Russell had been beon with us that thal long or r pretty nearly and she Is still gUll with us U still young oung her beauty undimmed and nJ her mass of oC hair Just as perfectly gOlden olden as when long ago she appeared on tho the sta stage o. o And Lillians Lillian's beauty is not all nH on the stage The picture la Is just jus as flawless thaw flaw less Ics off ofT the boards This i donna donnaIs donnas Is s a perfect argument against th the theory that blon blonde blondo o beauty is short hived Ived In comparison to the brunette pulchritude Mine Ume GadskI holds up the standard of or blon blonde attractiveness at the Metropolitan Metropolitan Metro Metro- politan house Her career career ha hanot has not lot had half halt the length of oC that of Miss Russell but she is s a fine fino specimen specimen men of the thc best type of oC German blonde EHle Shannon Is ig noL not nota a newcomer on the boards board but she is ju Just t as perfect perfect per per- a 3 blonde as in the old days day when with Fitz Williams in the Juvenile roles rolf site she was the talented e of oC I 1 Frohman's magnificent Lyceum Ly Ly- Lyceum th theatre company Little Della Delia Fox sot got ot the credit of or being a blon blonde e but hut suspicious ls have always existed that perhaps h her r locks lock s not alwn always the exact exael shade which nature Intended them to be No such doubt existed on un tho time subject sub suh- sect J ct of Virginia Harned This rids superb creature an Irish blonde tho the wife of E. E If II Sothern has always ranked us as one of the prime primo he beauties among those whose hair had been beun sun kissed into golden Nor has any critic dared to Insinuate that May Irwin the rolick- rolick log ing buxom queen of or the coon coon oon song did not exploit hOl herself clr III in he her I own natural locks Perhaps it would have havo been a dangerous dangerous dan Ilan- proceeding to Impugn Mays May's frizzes Tho Thin hl big lady Itly who made Hot lint Time Tinte in inthe th the Old Town fown Tonight ht a song of national fame looks 8 as If Ie she might have havee a go good d punch In either r hand for the man who would dare daie charge that In la her hr case things thing are we not really what th they seem Paula Paulo Edwards and Louise Dresser are other excellent examples of or the thet t typo pe that will see po Its finish COO GOJ years r as hence Noted oled in III So lc Society has ha Its share as well as the I stage though it must be admitted d dhal that hal the thu number Is IH growinG glowing less In New York one of oC the most boasted boast boast- oc ed nil blondes Is IR Mrs Irs Alfred Vanderbilt who was WE Mrs 1 I Elsie French Miss 1188 Marie DAcosta the handsome AI sister of ot Mrs Dins Phillip Is usually spoken en p-n of ot as a blonde because j she sho he is much lighter than h her 1 sisters Inn as asa asa a matter of fact net she soe can hardly bo ho said to represent ent the perfect type One of Newport's younger young r queens nS tho the beautiful Mrs Mm's Edward Moore Moon Robinson on of Philadelphia ly 0 owes 1 her reputation for beauty toa to toa a a. wonderful head of blond hair which Is 19 always faultlessly i Evolyn Evo- Evo volyn vo- vo lyn Howell is another noted quaker city blonde Aristocratic Boston Doston society numbers many blondes the frequency of the type seeming to increase ase as ns ono one gets north Among the better bettel known fU are Countess De DC Mrs l Oscar Mrs Urs John L r. Bremmer Mrs 1 James H. H I. I Perkins Miss 1188 Katherine Coolidge Miss Hiss Ruth Lawrence Miss Cornelia CorneJ Tha Thayer Miss Ii s Mary lary Josephine Josephino Amory Miss Emily Bacon Miss II Constance Bacon Jacon Miss Eleanora Sears MiSS Lesie Leslie Les- Les lie ie Bradley Miss Alice Solder Miss KatherIne Catherine Roosevelt Miss IU s Beatrice SturgIs and Miss Dorothy Fa Fay Even those who hold that Professor Is Js mistaken In predicting the finish of the blonde must admit that some ome of tho the things he says fays are borne horne out ut by the facts Undoubtedly the blond type of beauty is more ephemeral p than han the HIt brunette runette Miss Russell has l kept ept item her perfect ct e marvelously it Is true and looks n as WC well now as she hp shedid shedid did l two decades ago ogo but lint it must be he remembered that she Rhe Is a 0 mistress 8 in time tho art of l' l remaining beautiful and has hus ma made e a u. most exhaustive study of ut that science What she has done lone Is Js not possible to the average woman unconnected with tho the stage or society Take a n blonde and brunette brunetto in the ordinary walks of or life lilt woo WhO maJ make no special effort to l preserve their charms charm anti and It will h be found that long after aCtor the bus bas passed 1 into tho sere and yellow the Uti brunnette will still be beIn beIn beis In is her zenith There Ther Is something about the tho blond type typo that demands a perfect skin shut 81 ln as asan a 1 an accompaniment Unless the thin cheeks nt are rosy ros red tJ tho the eyes exquisite l blue lup and the whole complexion that of or freshness and creamy softness s th the blond hair hall is n a disfigurement not ad a n d charm Women More Popular With Vilh the tho brunette the result Is dif dif- ferent A ma mass s of oC magnificent black hair has hOA a a. beauty not to bo ho denied a n beauty that unit has Its effect iio no malt matter r what the lIP remainder of the time appearance appearance appear appear- ance may be he Tho ho hl history tol of or the time world shows that dark women have hove had a greater permanent attraction attract for the old sex see and antI have hav figured more largely In iii t t luse 1 events that Influenced history In a sen sense e nearly neall every woman Is k a 0 aborn aborn born blonde The hair of till the Infant InfantI I Js him usually white the time towhead shape shall but it It gradually darkens em This change has given Iven rise to th the vel disrespectful 11 then theory theOl ry that when th mind is infantile tho thin hair i is blonde blondo but with developing Intellect comes th the darker sha shade c. c Those latHs ladles who into never neer emerge from tho the blond state are supposed by hy this line of rCa rea- reasoning rea reasoning zoning to remain children in I point of or brain urn In Perish tho thought A thousand blondes blonde who have o h been cn reigning beauties rise riso to contradict this contemplate libel An answering chorus from the tho blondes demands demand to know why it Is that women on only strive c to dye their hair halt so as ns to get the lighter hades shades and antI that steno sho never nver seeks seel to alter her natural color into something darker r Blond hair hall Is the mark of or tho the north Just as surely as the dark darl shade Is tho the sign of the south It is as though the hot sun un that pours pOUl'S down on Italy Spain and the time entire rounds of tho the tropics burns the hair Into the blackness and the skin to the olive shades e eIn In the north the sun sum burns less fiercely and we have havo tho time blonde of Germany of Denmark of or Ireland relan of Scotland of Russia nu la Does Docs ProC Professor so Woodruff expect to see all that altered |