Show r CAr CANADA ADA IN NEED OF MONEY I of if Old OIl Ice Fee for fm Sealskin Coats l cs Women Ottawa Out anI Feb 10 TIme Tho The cat- cat al tt Jamaica had the result that It I was used as a text for Cor the establishment Cs- Cs es es- of nC a real Cana Canadian nava navy nav a thing thine which at pJ present ent only exists eXist 1 In n embryo o Mr McLean In the time dominion do tie- I minion parliament made an appeal appel for Cor this and contended that thai the incidents following upon the time earthquake had I resulted In hi a certain loss o s of prestige e which would not have occurred If the British Brish naval stations had not been abolished He lie thought that thai there II might ht be at nn any time serious need of ofa a n Canadian flag nag on Canadian ships In seas that thai were as much Cana Canadian lan as belonging to lo other nations People hero who have lived Ivel In r Jamaica take a rather moderate view Lc of or Governor action acton The people of or Jamaica they S say not only are arc hidebound but ut parI particularly par par- I dislike the Ice idea of oC ever eer corn corn- lug Ing under United States rule a a. possibility 1081 which it seems Is constantly flouted before their eyes ees l by visitors from rein the states state Time The blacks who enjoy almost r equal privileges with wih the tho whites hites there thereat at present U it I can cn be bo easl easily understood arc are particularly afraid of oC United States absorption which the they arc i afraid arall would reduce them to lo the condition condi condi- tion of oC those of their thou race who live Ilvo In lii the southern states stales All Al these things I they say should be taken In con con- I 1 oraton when Governor Swettenham's hams ham's action acton Is criticised Sealskin ln Fee Fcc There Is 18 one thing for which Canadians Cana Cana- will wili wil be heartily thankful ul to the United States and that Is th the removal remo al of the 2 fee for certificates p permitting permitting permit permit- ting Canadian women to bring their tr sealskin coats coals Into Inlo the United States r hen v the they travel tra el 2 Canadian women are as fond of their coats coals us are aro 0 the United States Stales Stateswomen women who possess poses them and the 2 fee feo has hn been a n thorn Ihorn In their fesh flesh From reports which continue to 0 come In from Crom the tho Pacific coast it I would I seem leem that hut the poor Hindu Immigrants r there are more In need neel of or sealskin enl I t coats coals than anyone anone The ruse by which I 1 female Hindus entered Canada Canala disguised disguised dis dis- guised a as aS men has hat been exposed before but It came to lo a Pacific coast paper to tot t show how up the tho thing with wih a n heading heading which told how a Hindu man Is nor now nowa no Ph r a mother mothel The Jt little Hindu In the tho yard ald where case was born In a lumber J. J cae Its Is mother worked disguised cd as a malela male la laborer horel Fuel Famine The people In the tle great grent West vest al also alc o would like some fomo sealskin garments I. I this weather for tor the fuel famine there ther still Mill continue notwithstanding the tho re reports ie- ie ports to the time contrary At a D place called caled Sas Sas- only a few days lays ago aso the entire male maJe population wa waylaid lall a n train trail and anc when It stopped after aCer asking th the conductor for some coal cal suddenly whipped out shovels and amid tucks picks s which the they had hal hidden In the snow While their companions took a n. rail rai laid lall It I across the track tack and nailed it I down with wIh spikes and te tied lied it t down with Iron tron chains still sti others threatened the Irain trIn hands handt with wih revolvers re If Ir the they objected The Thc po posse c then Ihen set sel to work worl and amid emptied emp emp- i tied ted the lie tender leaving only emily enough coal for Cor the crew to take talc the iho train to tolie the lie next station staton Like LIe th the celebrated highwaymen of or old oW th they saw taw that no blame blamo would be uc attached to lo tho the train Iraln hands and amid for foi that thal purpose drove to the nearest big town where they certified to a statement state state- ment of ot what had happened and amid sent thIs together with wih an otTer offer ofer to lo pay pa for forthe forthe the coal at al a reasonable price to lo tho the thoC C C. P. P It R. district headquarters It I Is said that things are nearl nearly Just Justas as bad in as they are farther faither faith faith- er west and that the schools there will vilh wf have hn to lo bo closed shortly short unless more fuel fuel Is Imported at once C |