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Show Hs's Old Street, Logan H-" and ine Farm Imple-Bs, Imple-Bs, etc fchor Iron Has and Mil- Bing Kn hand. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLmlve and Hg THORESOH, Mgr Sec (m ' I 111)3, at tlio front door ol IrrfWM I County Court I Louse, Logan Clty.Utald I to pay the delinquent assessment, to-l I gcther with the cost or advertising I and expenses of sale. I ElJWAKD IlANSKX Secretary. The Rich-Cache Mining Company Logan City Utah, dated this 10th day of February, 1003. By order of the board of directors made March 18th, 1003, the date for tho above assessment to be paid, was extended to the 20th day of April, 1003. Also the sale of delinquent stock at that date is extended to May loth, 1903, at the same place as above in-i in-i dlcated. Edwaud Hanskn, Secretary of the Rich-Cache Mining I " " Company. Rare Book Brings Good Price. A copy of Hawthorne's rarest book, "Fanslmwo," was Bold In Boston recently re-cently for $050. THE OLD PIONEER BLACKSMITH LW John P. hundbetg I IS STILL AT THE OLD STAND ON SOUTH MAIN ST. M All work Guaranteed, and done on .Short Notice. You can't afford kmm to pass by when prices and quality of work arc considered. Expensive M Improvements have been added to the business, and I am thcreforo H prepared to do all kinds of work in GENKKAL RLACKSM1TII1NG jH AND AV1IEELWR1GHTING. kW DON'T FAIL TO CALL WHEN DESIRING WORK DONE H 1 iMilgTcar7.iMiu ni.uai.jjuT-.... ,.,n ,,-, r , M IMrnrBME H Utah Mortgage Loan 1 9 "' M " hew- noratioml HENRY gE0RGE Tithing Office corner, log.ui, Utah 1 . ,,., kuM K A (ill I'. A I H aL&v!.... 5 CENT CIGAR I FARM AND CITY LOANS I M at lowest rates. No Connnk. I I'or Sa,c l)-v tnc l-eartlng mcr- kmU slons charu'ed ""llls- chants or Logan: Rlter Bros. MM h Drug Co., Co-op G. & D. Co., mMM wmmam wmmammmmmmm flty "nK' Co., Cy K. Nuppcr, H 11. DcWilt.G. A. Hansen, II. H , J Hilyi,an( a, Hatcson, Cache JH S Valley Merc. Co., Star Gro- H T TV T O I eery, R. Munlock & Son. LjM ALL KINDS. H city paint shop. HEMMENWAY & MOSER IJH .-ms. main st. Wholesale Agts., Salt Lake City H C. V. Hanskn, ... Proprietor. UMBBHHHMBBHMHM IJH Capital and Undivided Profits, $65,000. Interest Paid on Time Deposits iH The First National Bank H LOGAN, UTAH. 'H W. S. McCounick, President. Jas. Quaylk, 1st Vice President. , Allan M. Fmcming, Cashier. J. E. SiiicrAitu, Assistant. .H Courteous attention given to all business entrusted to them. I il'ifl Foreign Drafts Issued on all the principal cities of the world. ' H TAKE & I The Oregon Short Line! . . For all North Pacific Coast Points- Portland, Seattle Spokane, Tacoma THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAF-EST; SAF-EST; ELEGANT EQUIPMENT. New Double Daily Train SERVICE HETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND PORTLAND. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A Salt Lake City, Utah. -CALL ON- HARRtheGigarMan When You are In SALT LAKE No. 7 West 2nd South. I Odell's Studio I FOR i Photo's I Successor to THOMAS & ODELL. H FOR SALE I Logan City and Farm Property. M House and two lots In Third Ward. H '20 acres land In North Field. H Vacant lot near Agricultural Col H Lot Uxl2 rods, with improvements, H corner Main & Second North Streets. H Apply to W. W. Maughan, 'H Logan', Utah. H Fresh Lime I Wheeler & McKinney H have a lino stock constantly on hand. H Two Blocks North of Tabernacle. H |