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Show System In Drinking. It is told of a certain bibulous son H ator that somebody ventured to ask B him If he adopted any systom In tho H regulation of hlB drinking. "Decided- H ly bo," ho replied. "When I got up in ' H tho morning I put down a layer ot H whisky, and to that I add a layer of water. Then I suporpose a layer of H broakfast." "But how about the rest of tho day?" ho was asked. "Just a H series ot layers of whisky. Two or B three moro meals Interspersed, but BHH no water not a bit. I got along vory well." Augusta (Ga.) Herald. HBVJ Completing the Quotation. HHf An English correspondent rolatos BHB thnt a man In Scotland wished to havo BHB cut ovor the door of a now houso tho HBf toxt: "Mv houso shall hn rnllnri B house of prayer." Ho loft tho work- HHVJ men to carry out his wlshoB during his absence, and on his return hla horror wns great to find tho quotation HBHj camplotcd, "Hut yo hnvo mado It a BHB den of thieves." "We had a woo tnlng malr room, yo sec, so wo just BHB pit In tho end o' tho vorso," was tho BHB explanation given by tho Blblo-lovtng HHHj I |