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Show Valuable Receipts. To clear the voice, to a teaspoonful each of glycerine and lemon Juice and a half a cup of water, stir well and drink. The dose, If necessary, may be repeated several times during the day. To make French honey, beat half a cupof butter and two-thirds of a cup of powdered sugar to cream, then add one unbeaten egg and beat again until light. Place in a double boiler and stir over boiling water until it thickens. Hemovc from the lire, and add the grated rind and juice of one lemon. When well mixed, turn out to cool. Make a mixture of gasoline and one-fourth one-fourth as much wood alcohol, in which has been dissolved as much corrosive cor-rosive sublimate (bichloride of Mercury) Mer-cury) as it will hold. Inject this with a syringe Into the cracks of a wall and lloor and spray "Infested" furniture with it, behind and under upholstered seats, etc. Take one room at a time, being careful to have no fire or artificial artifi-cial light about, and shut the room up closely for eight hours. The process pro-cess may have to be repeated once a month for perhaps three months If the infliction bo grievous, but If faithfully done it is sure death to. all vermin. Enameled shoes can he kept in good condition by washing them In sweet milk. All dust and mud should first be removed; then the shoes should bo thoroughly washed with the milk then wiped dry with a soft cloth. This will give them a polish almost equal to new and will help them to retain their smart appearance for a long time. For blackheads bathe tho face at night with water as hot as can bo borne without scalding. Uso castlle soap and a flesh brush and give your face a thorough wash. IUnso with clear cold water and then massage with mutton tallow which must be warmed as you use It. Hub it In thoroughly. thor-oughly. In tho morning wash tho face with warm water only no soap and give It a dash of cold water. Never uso powder or other cosmetics and avoid 111 cooked, greasy or rich foods. Do not clean plate glass mirrors with soap and water, which sooner or later dim the surface. Alcohol and water are safe, but unless tho mirror Is actually dirty, rubbing with a soft cloth cleanses It perfectly. It is best not to uso soap on table glass, much of which Is rather soft and easily scratched. For this reason avoid tho many patent polishing powders and cloths advertised to give high polish to good glass. |