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Show WHERE MONEY IS UNKNOWN. H Primitive Conditions In Settlement In M Southeastern Utah. M Thero have nrrlvcd In this city two M young men who have mado tho trip M ncross tho continent from tho Missis- H s-lppl river in n canvas-covered wagon H drawn by n pair of mules, writes a M Los Angeles correspondent of tho H Pittsburg Gazette. Their experiences M hnvo been varied and Interesting M often hazardous, but never moro H unlquo thnn when passing through M southeastern Utah. M In that section of tho stato havo set- H tied n tew seoro of families, regardless M of the fact that tho nearest railroad Is M 150 miles away, and that thero Is ab- M Bolutcly no market for tho product of H their ranches. M They raise what thoy want to oat, M their ranches support their cvcr-ln- H creastug herds, nnd thoy expect to M rcnllzo fortunes from their cnttlo and M lands when a railroad penetrates tho H fastness nnd traverses that section. MH Meantime monoy Is almost an tin- known medium of exchange Cattlo H nnd grain aro tho units of vnluo. IH Tho young men say thnt In ono sot- H tlcmcnt whero they stopped thoro was H not n dollar In money, nil told, In tho H town. At ono of their camping places H they visited n nenrby ranch to buy H ono of tho numerous chickens that H wero running nbout tho place. H "What have you to barter?" asked H tho woman of tho house H "Cash," was tho reply. JH "What, cash money 7" was her as- -1 tonlshcd Inquiry. "Do you want n sho chicken or a ho 'H chicken?" was tho next question. H Thoy Informed her thnt they would H take n "ho chicken." H "Then, If It's ensh monoy you have, H you may havo It for fifteen conts, but MH whero In the world did you get H They told her that they had just H como through Colorado and got monoy H thero. Thoy neglected to add that H they also paid 75 cents nplcco for chickens thero. "Oh, yes," sho remarked, "I'vo H heard that they had money In Colo- H |