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Show MERRY MILKMAIDS Gave a delightful performance at the Opera House Friday Night. "The Merry Milkmaids," at tho Thatcher opera house last Friday evening eve-ning furnished to a largo and representative repre-sentative audience two and a half hours of real pleasure, and covered themselves and the 1!. Y. C. with glory. The costuming was very good, tho .soloists better and the chorus truly splendid. Tho operetta is a catchy little thing, all brightness and beauty, and the vocalists made the best of every opportunity, showing tho excellent results of hard practice and tho careful training of a master. Although Al-though tho chorus work showed to the greatest advantage, the soloists wcro greeted warmly and thoroughly appreciated. ap-preciated. Miss Leah Hush, as queen, looked as sweet and charming us any creature that over handled a milk pail, and in a dlillcult rolo requiring a volco of considerable range, power and sweetness, she was repeatedly encored. en-cored. Miss Amelia Peart, the Indian fortune teller, displayed a sweet voice of considerable cultivation, cultiva-tion, and gave a dramatic touch to her character worthy of an artist with greater experience. Miss Jean Harris Har-ris sang very nicely, probably the best in the duct with the queen. The other young lady soloists rendered their parts in a creditable manner. The gentlemen In the cast did truly excellent work, Mr. IStirnham, Farmer Farm-er Jim and L. P. Nielsen being recalled recall-ed frequently. The Farmer's Url- gatlc took well with the audience, and the Milkmaids chorus In support of the lullaby carried the house by storm. The success of the operetta lcllects great credit upon the performers and Prof. Robinson, head of the music department de-partment at tho IS. Y. C, whose care-lul care-lul training enabled the singers to do so well. The College has Just reason to feel proud of its students. The company went to Ilyrum Saturday Sat-urday evening and gave another highly high-ly satisfactory pcrformauce before one of the largest audiences that ever assembled as-sembled In tho opera house In that town. The Milkmaids intend to go to Smithllcld, Richmond and Preston, and wc bespeak for them good houses. If arrangements can be made, tho company will also give another performance per-formance in Logan. |