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Show SALARIES OF RULERS EUROPEAN NATIONS ARE GENEROUS GENER-OUS PROVIDES. Sums Apportioned to the Heads of Even the Smaller Nations Make the Stipend of Our President Look Small by Comparison. Although tho President of tho United Slates is ruler ovur 75,000,000 of people, peo-ple, his salary Is only $50,000, whllo tho king of Portugal, ruling only 4,500,-000 4,500,-000 people, receives each year $775,-000. $775,-000. Tho king of Saxony, a king In namo only and by no manner of means In fact, the most Important nnd arduous nlfalrs of Saxony being controlled and directed from Berlin, receives a snlary of $725,000, tho area of Saxony bolng G.S00 square miles and tho population 3,000,000. The president of tho republic repub-lic of Franco gets an annual ullowanco of $125,000, but thoro is an enormous additional nllowanco for oxpenses. Franco is a nation of 00,000,000, colonies colo-nies Included, and tho president of tho French republic exercises legal Jurisdiction Juris-diction over 3,000,000 squaro miles of territory. In strango comparison with tho salary sal-ary of tho chief ruler of Franco Is that of tho emperor of Austria, who receives re-ceives each year $2,775,000. Tho king of Sweden and Norway, within whoso domains G.700,000 persons llvo, has $575,000 a year salary.. Tho king of tho Belgians, who ostensibly directs tho destinies of tho peoplo of that populous pop-ulous and prosperous country, receives $CCO,000, whllo tho ruler of tho Ncthon lands gots only $300,000, though tho population of tho Dutch colonies In various parts of tho world Is nearly 30,000,000. It will bo remarked as peculiar that Gormnny, now ono of tho three great empires of tho world, pays no salary to Its knlser. Ho draws his annual stipend sti-pend as king of Prussia, howovor. and tho empire gives to him $375,000 to bo Bpont In presents for needy subjects and $22,000 for the salaries of his adjutants. ad-jutants. Tho Husslan emperor has a Btato Income In-come of almost $9,000,000 a year, bo-sides bo-sides drawing soveral millions moro as chief of tho hauso of Homanoff. Tho king of Italy has an annual Balary of $2,850,000. Tho king of Greoco la ruler of only two millions of people, but receives a salary of $200,000 a year. Tho king of Itoumanla gets $230,000 and tho king of Servla $240,-000. $240,-000. Grent Britain paid to Queen Victoria $1,025,000, exclusive of payments made to tho members of tho royal family and their relatives and exclusive of tho queen's revenue from tho duchy of Lancaster nnd thero wore many other amounts paid to hor each year appropriated appro-priated by tho nation, which swelled hor Jncomo to an onormoun extent. There are presidents of railroads, Insurance In-surance nnd other corporations In Now York and elsowhoro who recolvo salaries sal-aries of $50,000 and upward, with many opportunities for greatly Increasing Increas-ing their incomes, yet their Inborn and responsibilities aro Inslgnficant when compared with thoso of tho President of tho United States. New York Press. |