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Show Teeth Are Venerated. H Teeth of all kinds havo been wor- H shlpcd and are, In tact, venerated as H relics In somo religious shrines. Bud- H dha's tooth Is presorved In an Indian H templo, tho ClngaleBo worship tho H tooth of a monkoy, whllo tho ele- H pbant's and shark's tooth sorvo a slm- liar purposo nmong the Malabar and H Tonga Islanders respectively. Tho H Stameso wero formerly tho possessors H ot the tooth of a sacred monkoy which H thoy valued very highly, but In a war H with tho Portugueso they lost tho holy H grinder and had to pay $3,500,000 to H get It back again. It is now kept In a M small gold box Inclosed In six otbor H boxes In one of tho many temples ot H tho Slamcso capital. H |