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Show i i WILES OF A CONSUL Hit W i HOW ONE MAN "CINCHED" DIP- Iff LOMATIC JOB. IS ' I I fk- Secret of His Long Tenure In South ' America Told After His Death B Had Little Trouble In Drlvlna Away C Competitors. W A man from South America tells JUl ' this story of an American consul hK) down thcro who died recently after ! having retained possession of his olllco fjK through administration after ndtntnls- Hu' tratton, In splto of all efforts to oust B" hlm: WKL "Drown," ho said, "held his post UK through sunshlno and through rain, BB through Republican and Democratic HI administrations, through revolutions 3vl and through Invasions, through ycl- ! KI low fever and through everything n clso on tho South American calendar. 8 Not that ho wns n particularly bright Hf nnd shining light nt tho diplomatic SI game, cither, nnd not thnt ho worked WM particularly hard nt Washington to Eft hold his Job, for ho Just plodded along S, In nn even wny nnd didn't nppenr to SB ' enro n rap for his plncc. E "I learned tho secret of his system IBS somo years ago and now that ho Is ' dead It won't do nny hnrm to tnlk 1 about It. I "Tho placo where ho waB consul 1 was ono of tho choicest yellow fovcr hatcheries iiiiywhero on tho globe. All tho troublcsomo applicants for consular consu-lar Jobs who went to Washington k woro assigned to that plnco when ' nothing elso served to put them off. "When Ilrown learned thnt ho was ; practically proof against tho old ycl- ' low and tho mm habit ho hntched up a llttlo schcino to stay there. , "When a now npllcant enmo down . to tnko tho post Ilrown always greet- ' ed him with the utmost cordiality, I saying that ho was glad to get out of f tho blasted old holo and that nothing , on earth could tlcklo him mora than . to tako tho very first steamer back ' to civilization. Ills next words were always an offer to tako tho new man ' around tho town and show him a fow f at tho ropes of tho plnco. "In tho courso of this trip they . always got to tho graveyard sooner or later and then Ilrown always be-enmo be-enmo deeply nffected. Going around ho pointed out this nnd thnt tomb- 1 stone, accompanying his gestures ! with something llko this: " 'Do you seo that grave over i ' there? Well, that's poor old ltobln- son's. Ho enmo down hero full of hopes of a good beginning In a bril- lant career nnd, poor fellow, ho wns : ! carried away at almost tho beginning ' of it. " 'If my memory docs not fall mo ho I enmo hero on the 7th and died on ( I tho 11th. Oh, yes, ho was tho consul ' I here. I followed him, In fact. 1 "'That over thero Is old Carey'B i I grave. Ho was a very popular fel- I I low, too. Yellow Jack got him. I think he had hardly landed beforo ho becamo HI. Ills folks wero terribly I cut up over It. Can't blamo them. j " 'And Paisley's gravo Is somowhero 1 in here. I don't seo it Just now, but H It's hero Just tho Bamc. Yes, another s : caso of yellow Jack. "'What's tho matter, old man? Not I S feeling well? Oh, It's nothing, I dnro I say. A fellow Ib often taken thnt way, G I when ho has been hero a llttlo while' II 8 "Tho thing Invariably ended In tho $ f nowcomor's taking tho next steamer H back nnd In Ilrown blowing tho gang off at his Joint. It was at tho final 1 f scene of ono of theso occasions that L tho poor old chap was taken off, nnd Hf ho met ono of tho most tragic deaths tj In view of tho circumstances, that I gj i over heard of. j ' "Ho had ordered tho first bottlo J , from tho servant when It came. You j t see, It was always a celebration for I i him bocauso all ho had to do after I tho nowcomcr sailed back was to ask i , for tho Job ovor again. 0 " 'Hero's prosperity nnd long llfo m ' to tho new consul,' ho said, raising i ' his glass and waving his hand at tho gj departing steamer. fi I "Then ho suadenly grew palo and JR , f totterod for a moment 1 C " 'Guess there is n now man com-B com-B I. Ing this tlmo,' ho said, regaining his j I'. composure. 'Tho old yellow Jack has y k I hit tho consul nt last. m k M "And ho died within forty-eight ' IS hours." |