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Show ll Paint your buggy for 75 cents I -" I ; Just think vc make it possible HI j for you to make a new buggy out Hi 1 of your old one for the small sum H ' Scvcnty-flvc cents. H The paint Is mixed all ready for use H t R0 nny one can put It on. Hi It's made of the best material HI r and will not peel or crack the 1 , first time the sun shines on it. HI i It has a gloss like Varnish finish Hk j that will stand exposure. Hi I Drop In and we'll tell you more HI about It, and we'll show you color H I cards so you can make your sclec- Hi tion. Of course we have brushes HI to put, It on with. I! RITER BROS. DRUG GO. H Do you expect to do j: any Papering this l! Spring? It If you do you will make the mistake Hv j of your lives by making your selection H,' without seeing the most elaborate Hj line to be found in Logan, carried by ! CARDON, BURNHAM, & GO ' ' 112 Main Street. TAKE & & The Oregon I Short Line! . . p For all North Paclllo Coast Points- I j Portland, Seattle Spokane, Tacoma " THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAF-EST; SAF-EST; ELEGANT EQUIPMENT. j ft New Double Daily Train Bi I SERVICE BETWEEN SALT i f LAKE CITY AND PORTLAND. Ill ' ftr i D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A '' , Salt Lake City, Utah. mi ! i1 I1! GRIFFIN BROS. B! Machinists, lllaoksmlths, and Wheel- HI wrlghts. Carriage work a Specialty. Bi " blockxSputn of Thatcher's Rank i'l Main Street, jLogan. -J Petersen and Sons M THEPAlJJTEItS !"' House. Sign and Carriage Painting. Shop: One Block South of Thatch-er's Thatch-er's Hank. DR. R. A. GREENE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. In Dr. Croxall's oftlec, tho last dayo each month. Salt Lake address, 40 South Main. Summer Herd. I will take horses and cattle to pasture pas-ture this summer hi Logan Canyon. Jos. II, KS-owujs. Coming Meeting.. Ward conferences will be old In tho following wards at 2 and 7:30 p. m. on April 10th: Logan 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Yours Respectfully, Isaac Smith, Clerk. i So you may know who, j ' f what and where we are F R I E S THE fOTOGRAFER. Care on Block, Logan. Will open up about April 23- THATCHER OPERA HOUSE 1 f Tuesday, April i 4 " 'MOTHS' H. F. Miller Pianos THe Best in the Worid. NEE EJ HAM ORGAN Equai to any on the market. B.&G.tHATCHER 13 Main Street. Headquarters for all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Mer-chandise. 2,000 pieces of Sheet Music Just received. THE "DAVIS" CREAM SEPARATOR fl Sp The Most Jr BL Gream Sep- p BC arator Man- I JrQt For Sale by imMiiiiBii mm iiBiBiaiiBiBiBiBiBiaiaaBiMimiaaiiiiniBBiBHiinBiiaaBMiiaBT |