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Show Where He Was Interested. Thoy woro sitting around n good, roaring English fire, and tho conversation conversa-tion hnd turned upon accidents. Ono man had Just related an experience ex-perience ho had had. It scorned that his rest had boon disturbed by a screech-owl, nnd ho determined to shoot tho offending bird. His only weapon was an old-fashioned blunderbuss, blunder-buss, a spark from which Ignited a haystack; his houso caught 11 ro, nnd nl.c a barn, roasting to death somo ntj.tblo horses and cattlo; It ran along tho fence, destroying a fow moro hayBtacks and burned n neighbor's neigh-bor's houso to the ground, tho wholo family narrowly escaping denth, until at last It was extinguished. In tho midst of tho dead sllenco that followed this narrntlvo a matter-of-fact old gontlcman who had until then sat silently smoking in a corner, spoko up. "Man," ho Bald gruvciy, "did you shoot tho owl?" London Answers. |