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Show EASY ENOUGH TO REMEMBER. Senator Turpie's Erudition Shed New Light on a Stenographer's Mind. Ex-Senator Turplo of Indiana was ono of tho most learned men In tho United States senate, but never flaunted his erudition beforo his colleagues. col-leagues. Dr. Woodbury Pulslfcr, tho capablo clerk of tho senate commltteo on commerce, gives a reminlscenco about tho senator which shows tho slmplo methods by which ho retained tho varied knowledge ho possessed. "Somo years ago," says Dr. Pulslfer, "I was traveling through tho west with a committee of senators who wero on a tour of Investigation. Thoy had been taking testimony, which I was writing out from my notes. I camo to tho word 'sincere,' which I had nover been nblo to spoil correctly. I communicated communi-cated that fact to Mr. Turplo, who was sitting nenr me. "'That is very easy to remember,' tho senator replied to mo Immediately, Immediate-ly, 'Just keep In mind that It conn's from two Latin words: "Sine," mean Ing "without," nnd "corum," meaning "wnx." Thero you have the significance signifi-cance of tho word. It Is "without wax. "Dr. Pulslfer has nover had difficulty since In spelling this Important word of tho king's English. |