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Show HE WOULD OUTWIT FATE. Man's Bump of Eloquent Entreaty Was Highly Developed. Tho man's bump of eloquent entreaty entrea-ty was highly developed. Thue did ho ncqulro a railroad pass. Tho man's bump of caution stood way out on his head. "I havo heard," Bald ho, "that passengers pas-sengers traveling on a pass always got into an accident, nnd cannot recover re-cover dnmngcH from tho railroad by reason of tho fact that they were traveling trav-eling on a pass. Therefore," said he, "I will outwit fato ann get insured In an accident company." From tho fact that ho assumed to outwit fato It will bo deduced that his bump of conceit was also highly do-volopcd. do-volopcd. True Tho man's bump of conceit was a regular knubble. As n matter of fact, thero was a railroad accident. Tho man was In it. Ho didn't oven recelvo a scratch. Other passengers who had paid $1.05 for n ticket managed to receive black eyes, bruised elbows, and things, and nveragod something lino $5,000 aplcco damages from tho soulless uml grasping grasp-ing railroad company. To outwit fato! Oh, tho fatuity of man! Now York Sun. |