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Show ARTIST8 NOT AT FAULT. Very Difficult to Obtain Good Likeness of Washington. Now tho truth of tho matter is, that it Is very difficult to got a satisfactory likeness of Washington, and for the reason, which is pretty woll known, that all tho authentic portraits and busts of him were mado after he had passed middle life and when he wore a set of artificial teoth. Dentistry In thoso days was In a somewhat rudt-montary rudt-montary stago of development, and tho plato upon which theso teeth wero fastened was continually slipping out of placo. Tho result has been that all tho portraits of Washington glvo an unnatural cxpersslon to tho mouth. Houdln's bust, which In other respects is very flno, Is unfortunate In this ono particular, becauso It is so faithful to llfo. Henco, we shall probably not get a satisfactory Washington on our postngo stamps until somo artist touches up tho original from which he draws tho head, and provides It with tho firm mouth which Washington naturally possessed In place of the grandmotherly ono which his portraits bestow upon him. Mcanwhllo ono should not bo too severo upon tho philatelists who aro writing long lottcrs lot-tcrs to tho nowspapcrs nnd agitating tho public mind upon tho subject of U10 new stamp. They wero born to dovoto tholr timo to trifles. Now York Commercial Advertiser. |