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Show QUEER OFFER OF ATHLETE. Crippled Player Set High Valuation on His Services. "I have received many a letter," said a noted ox-Pennsylvania football playor who had chargo of tho athletics of an up-stato college for somo years, "from persons who wanted to como to college, and piny on tho team for a consideration, but about two years ago I got ono that I think can hardly bo beaten. It was from a man who attained at-tained somo noto ns n center on a normal nor-mal school team. It read: 'Dear Sir I am going to lcavo school, and I want to como to collogo to play on your football team. I would llko to have my board, ray tuition, my books, my clothes, and $25 a month for spending monoy. I also have a wooden leg thnt will need repairing in the fall; that will cost $15. And In tho spring I will need a now ono that will cost $50. Pleaso lot mo know nt onco what you can do for mo.' Tho man really had a wooden foot nnd anklo and was a good contor; thoso who havo playod against him said that whon ho got that wood-on wood-on foot firmly planted you couldn't budge him. I did not pay any atten- ilmi In li I ft InllrtM Vint Vi r nflninin vif tlon to his lottor, but ho aftorward turnod up on a collogo team, so I suppose sup-pose ho must havo found somo ono who was willing to keep him in wooden wood-en legs." Philadelphia Itecord. |