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Show BLUE JAY IS PROFANE. H Bad Habit Not Confined Solely to the jH Human Family. "DI1 you over hear a bltio Jay swear?" IH Tho speaker, ono of tho orntthnlo- gists of tho Academy of Natural Scl- dices, smiled during tho sllcnco that ' followed his question and then pro- "Well, I havo; lots of tlmos. I havo H often laughed heartily at tho prolan- lty or tho bluo Jay. This bird only H swears when It Is cracking hickory M nuts. Tho hickory has a pretty con- crct, solid kind ot shell, and to break It open tho bluo Jay has to hit It very "Ho perches himself on a fenco rail, with the nut between his claws. Ho M holds tho nut firmly on tho wood, M and, drawing back bis head to tho ut- most limit ot his neck, ho bangs away H with his bill biff! biff! blftl until M tho shell breaks. M "It Is when ho misses his aim that tho bluo Jay swears when ho strikes M liln fnrt trial nn tl lit ttn li iff Til I li li I a sbbH his toot instead or tno nut wuu ins im bill. Ho carries on dreadfully then. H Ho nctH Ilka a man who had banged M his fingers with a hammer. Throwing M the nut far from htm ho hops around M on ono foot, and tho air Is filled with tho most horrible oaths. M "Really, Joking asldo," tho oral- M Otologist concluded, "a bluo Jay's volco, when he hits IiIb foot in crack- lng a nut, is tho most angry, most M penetrating thing In tho world a chatter of rago and pain and disgust t that can bo heard 100 yards acrosa tho fields." H |