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Show WOMEN WHO DISLIKE SMOKING. They Should Provide a Den to Which Men May Repair. Just a word to tho woman who dislikes dis-likes smoking. Nover entertain your husband's friends unless you havo a den or a Bmoklng room for them. If thero Is ono thing which tries a husband's hus-band's soul, especially If ho bo a newly new-ly wed husband, It Is to apologlzo to hiB friends for tho fact that his wlfs cannot enduro tho scent ot smoko, even of tho best of Hnvanas, Protect your dainty drawing room by all means, but havo a corner, no matter how small, whero your husband hus-band may take tho men after dinner or Jukt beforo bedtime for thoir cozy chat and smoko. Oac man who recently returned from a visit with prim Nov. England relatives tolls how tho men ot uu houso havo built a shanty, somothln? on the lines ot a largo doghoup In which they have Installed a small oil stove, mid whither they retlro Many times a day to smoko. |