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Show HI PHOTOGRAPH WINS A CASE. E ' P - Bright Idea That Was Worked by B Clever Lawyer. M&- ! A Philadelphia lawyer tells tho story K1 Uiat a plcturo of Kanny Davenport B . onco won a ense for htm, His client ST, f ' was suing tho Pennsylvania Hallroad K'j ; ' company, of which Wnyno MacVeagh IKfe W wa8 counsel, for $7,500 damages for RJy ,;- ' tho death of her husband. "Just a few EtV r'' days beforo tho caso was to have coma K&i up sho happened into my olllco nnd an- Hp ., nouneed thnt alio hnd married again. Wf.i 2" 'Good Lord, madam,' I gasiicd, 'why Bk f . couldn't jou have waited until your BJI fc caso camo up? It's next to Impossible WgK i for mo to got dnmages for you now.' BJ, f- Sho said sho didn't caro very much, Hj' , and went out, scorning very hnppy. K- f. ' "Woll. it Just happened that I had a E&. ,' photograph of Fanny Davenport on my a desk, nnd when tho next dny Wnyno PR JlacVeagh happened Into my ofTlco to Hi .a discuss qulto nnothor mattor ho picked pjfc ; up tho photo nnd admired It. 'Who's Wjfc h' your friend 7' ho nsked. H& - "I had n suddon inspiration nnd I HJt - said: 'Why, that's tho lady who la E' suing your company for 17, GOO.' H k " 'Tho douco you say,' said ho. 'Hand- MB I some woman, Isn't sho?' W . , " 'Sho Is, Indeed," I replied. K ' "'II ml' ho cxclalmod, looking at H I the picture closely. 'A. deucod band- nLfT some woman, I should say. A deuced lB;ijtj handsome woman,' There wns n slight BKVF ' paii80. 'What'll you tako to sottlo this flE9 caso?' ho asked. kuT' "I thought of my client's socond BjsK . marriage, and I fixed tho flguro at MPS' G,000. Tho deal was consummated, Hrcff nnd tho caso novor came to court." H& P Now York Tribune. |