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Show MEN CROTCHETY AT BREAKFAST New York Walter of Experience Authority for This. "If waiters had their way men would not bo permitted Inn restaurant boforo bo-foro tho dinner hour, or at least beforo be-foro lunch," said tho proprietor of a cafe on upper Broadway. "Why? Simply because thoy aro so cross at breakfast. No, It isn't tho question of tips altogether, although I never saw a waiter rcfuso a quarter. But tho fact Is men nro crotchety beforo be-foro they get their breakfast. If they havo to wait flvo minutes It seems nn hour to them, and oven tho morning paper seems to lose Its charms unless un-less breakfast Is on tho tabic. Thcro Is no meal In tho day whero tho waiters wait-ers get so many 'kicks' as they do at breakfast, and tho men nro always moro ill-tempered than tho women." |