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Show Illicit Distilling. Tho poor mountaineer of tho South (and tho Illicit distiller of Brooklyn and Tho Bronx) learned tho trade from tho Bonny Highlander. Scotch whisky of the best quality and flavor has been distilled for ages by men with their apparatus at too sldo of a burn, changing weekly from fear of discover); malting on tho open heath far up tho hills, and hurrying on the whole process to avoid detection; yet with all these disadvantages they receive re-ceive tho highest price for their product. prod-uct. Several of these men have been employed by way of experiment In a licensed distillery, with directions to proceed In their own way, only to be regulated by the laws under control ol an officer; yot with the advantage ol tho best utensils, the purest water, and the best fuel they produced a whisky far inforlor In quality and flavor to that which thoy made under the shelter of a rock, or In a den, and It sustained nolther the same price nor character In tho market. |