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Show Local Jottings. Jai'-a-lao mjikcayour furnlturolook llko new. At idler Rros.Drug Co. , Miss Eva Lloyd has recovered from a recent attack of typhoid and Is able to bo out. Ladles EgyptianCotton Hose, 2 pair guaranteed! to wear all summer at C. K. W. j Congressman Howell was In Logan on Monday. Ho is desirous of moving to Logan during the month of May. Many people were over from Men-don Men-don and Pctcrsboro on Monday, giving testimony for and against the change In the school districts of the above named places. Two car loads of jiustlo at Smith Hrothers lumberyard. 42tf The cotton shedding trees, if not topped and trimmed at once, will bo a nuisance In a short time. Rcforc the work of the season comes on, It would be well to give this matter attention. The line samples of Colfec, Tea and Spices exhibited by the Cache Valley-Tea Valley-Tea Company are sometlupg superb., A great deal of garbage remains in the city, especially behind the stores. It will cost no more one time than another to do this work, therefore let all go ub It at once and clean It up. 0 room house well furnished Includ-lng Includ-lng piano, for rent. Address P. O. box 384 Logan. y Porter & Stanton, the men who run the City Livery stables, evidently mean business In running the stage line from Logan to Hear Lake this coming summer. Thcv liavo timber hauled for the station at the foot of the dugway on the new road to Hear Lake. They are also remodeling a stagecoach for the road. An excellent excel-lent opportunity will bo afforded Cache county people to visit tho Hear Lake resorts this reason. For sale. Two registered Hereford bulls.one yearold. Forfurthcrpartlc-ulars Forfurthcrpartlc-ulars Inquire- of R. W. Alarfc, Prof, of Animal Industry, Agricultural College. V It is expected that an Irrigation Company will bo formed by tho owners own-ers of land ljlng along the Little Logan river in this city. This land Is located on what Is known as the Island. Is-land. A meeting of the parties Interested Inter-ested was held bust Friday night at the Gth ward meeting house. II. A. Pederson, J. S. Stewart Jr., and C. C. Jensen were appointed a committco to draft bylaws to govern tho association. associa-tion. A nice line of farm Implements at E. It. Miles Jr., Smlthllcld. Also a line stock of Oregon lumber,'1 lath, shingles and pickets. Call oirhlm for bargains. 50t4 Mr. Sharp the government postal Inspector with Robert Murdock our postmaster, has been travelling through tho city during the past two days, examining sidewalks ctc.,ln view of tho establishment of tho free delivery deliv-ery system In this city. In order that an effective servlco may be given, additional ad-ditional streets and avenues should be opened at once. As It Is, In some of the suburban parts of the city, certain cer-tain places will bo deprived of tho new system. Most likely mounted carriers will be used to start tho free dellzcry. It Is expected that Inspector Inspect-or Sharp will make his report to Washington Wash-ington at once, after which applications applica-tions for bids will be made for mall carriers. It will bo well for parties desirous of securing these positions to post themselves as to the requirements require-ments necessary to secure the olliccs. Considering the quality of goods wo cannot bo undersold. Examine our Wallpaper, It Is1 the very best and cheapest in lown.j Cardon and Rum-bam. Heavy Ribbed hose for children at C. K. W. Y FOR SALE: A set of Encyclopedia Hrlttanlca, 28 volumes, full leather binding, cost 8J. Will sell for $3.. Address P. O. Hox "0 City. The teachers of tho Hcnson school arc Indebted to Prof. Ottc, supervisor of music, for a gift of ten trees. The trees will be planted on the grounds Arbor Day with appropriate exercises. exer-cises. f The finest andbest line of ladles Muslin underwear ab C. K. W. Oliver Wood, tho merchant of Fielding, Uox Elder county, was in Logan on Tuesday. He reports that work is rushing In that locality. There Is a a big demand for men and teams. None need bo idle. The G. & F. Huilng Co. has Just received two car loads of additional stock. Sec ad eyewherc. Champion S. Richards still retains the championship for the best shot in Logan. Last Saturday he defeated W. IC. liurnham by a score of 207 to 1811 In favor of the champion, out of a possible score of 240. Now Is the time ufoll all leather used on the farm. V genuine article of Ncatsfoot oil forhls purpose can be obtained ab Rltor Uros. Drug Co. John Lundbcrg wishes to inform Ills old customers and all others that need good substantial blacksmith and wheelwright work done, that he Is still In the business. His work speaks for Itself. Sec his add elsewhere. Potatoes wanted. Cash paid for all kinds of marketable farm products at the M. &. S. Grain &Sccd Co. Center Street. V The Ladles' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will give a "chicken supper" at the church next Friday evening. The supper costs 25c, and a cordial Invitation Is extended to all. George, tho ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crcssall of the Second ward, while helping his father shingle his house on Monday fell from the roof and had the misfortune to break his leg. A surgeon was summoned Immediately and a hasty examination revealed a compound fracture of the limb. The boy is as comfortable as circumstances will permit. For several years there has been considerable dissatisfaction among the Covovllle peoplo regarding the boundary bound-ary lines of their school districts. Originally, Mountain Home and the Covevlllo school districts were one. About two years ago tho county court decided that the Covevlllo district should bo divided creating the new school district known as Mountain Home. Dissatisfaction has prevailed with some since the division, owing to the fact that a large amount of land In the Mountain Home school district was owned by farmers living in the Covevlllo district A petition was presented to tho county court during the past month signed by Fred Tltcnscr and fifty-four others, asking that tho two districts again bo consolidated. A special session of the county court was held to hear the testimony regarding the proposed change. After careful Investigation the court decided to move the Cove-villc Cove-villc district line to the north about one half mile. The change In the boundary line will take into tho Covevlllo Cove-vlllo school district a large piece of land that caused the contention. From what we have learned about the affair wo think the commissioners have mado a fair adjustment and trust that all the good people In the north will be satislled with the decision. de-cision. Hrlgham W. Hendricks and C. L. Anderson voted In favor of tho change, Wm. Darlcy voting In tho negative. |