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Show SUNDAY OF YE OLDEN TIME. When It Was In Reality the Sacred One of the Seven. Tho mother, In her best black gown, and with hor foot stove. If tho woather was cold; tho father, freshly shaved, In his high black stock and equally uncomfortablo tall tnack hat, and such of tho sisters as wero at homo, and such of tho sisters as were at homo, flllod tho two broad seats ot our wag-an, wag-an, with perhaps ono of ua youngsters wedged In, though we preferred to walk In good weatnorj then tho ve-hlclo ve-hlclo moved out of tno front gato, and Joined tho procession of carriages going go-ing in tho samo direction, impelled by tho samo pious duty, says tho Atlantic. Atlan-tic. With tho foot stove or without It, went luncheons for tho noonday hour, for tho religious exercises wero an all-day affair, with forenoon and afternoon af-ternoon services, and tho Bible class and Sunday school In tho Interval which tho minister took for rest between be-tween his sermons. It was not supposed sup-posed that his hearers needed rest. There wore ohods tor tho vehicles, and tho man who was kind to tho beasts usually put Into his wagon with tho family sandwiches a small bag of grain for his team. Tho Borvlcos bo- Ban at 10:30 and wero over at 3:30, unless tho aftornoon sermon was "lengthy," as It was very apt to bo; flvo houra of doctrlno and edification on which heaven was supposed to smllo; flvo hours of light and sun-shlno sun-shlno and rocroatlon stricken out of our lives on Uiat so-called day of rost- |