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Show SILK COMING FROM JAPAN. Most of the Product of the Orientals Will Find a Market Here. "Japan's silk production this season sea-son will bo larger than It has over been before and most of tho finished produce will bo manwted In tho United States," said ilobert S. Cat-lshcr Cat-lshcr of Seattle, Wash. "During tho last few years thero has been a largo Increase In tho capitalization capi-talization of tho Japanese silk mills, with tho result that Japan has today to-day moro money invested in tho silk business than In nny other Industry. Tho output hns been doubled by tho enlargement of plants and tho building build-ing of now ones. Heretofore China constituted Japan's largest silk market mar-ket Only a few years ago tho American trado was too small to bother with, though Germany, Franco and England took a small quantity. A change has como about, and tho largest market Is now found In America, China excepted. Tho silk crop has been very largo for tho past two seasons, but most of tho raw materials will bo utilized by tho factories, fac-tories, new and old, beforo another crop comes In. "Capital is going Into Japan from many countries and factories aro springing up on every side, and soon they will bo nblo to supply tho world with sucli goods as they mako. They can nover supply themselves with wheat, which they aro already beginning be-ginning to prefer to rlco, which they havo been eating for thousands of years. I believe they will soon mako tho toys of tho world, for their products prod-ucts In that lino nro, I think, more artistic than anything produced elsewhere. else-where. Their agricultural products nro limited, aud tho factory population popula-tion will consume moro and moro of our food products." |