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Show The Scenic Line to Glcenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, 1 Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points cast. Connecting at Ogdcd Union Depot with all Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Line trains. I The only Transcontinental Lino passing directly through Salt Lake A Splendidly Equipped Fast Trains Dally between l 1 J) OGDEN AND DENVER. Jl ; Via Three Scperatc and Distinct Scenic Routes v Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cars t Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis and Chicago Without Change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. W DINING CARS, Service a la Carte on all 'through trains. For aatcs, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etd.,( inquire of your . nearest ticket agent, sbeclfying the Rio Grandroute, or address I. A. BENTON, G. P. ft., Salt Lake City, JOSEPH NEWROLD 1 Has tho Finest line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Gents Furnishings in the city. Give him a call. P. O. HANSEN, Dealer In and Mpnufacturcr of Monuments, Headstones, and General Gen-eral Cemetery Work. Third St., East of Tithing olllce. WM. READING Prime Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal. Etc. Game and Poultry In Season. 83 Centre St. JOHN BENCH. 232 South Main Stkekt. Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Etc. The cheapest place in town for painting, paint-ing, Wall Paper, and Paper-hanging. W. T. BROWN & CO. Manufacturers of Marble and Granite Monuments and Headstones. Large stock always on hand. 176 S. Main St. - - Logan, Utah j PALACE RESTAURANT I under new management of WM. VAN I NOY & CO. Regular dinner from 12 I to 3 p. m., daily, 25c. Short orders at , all hours. Private rooms for Ladies and Parties. The best the market af- J fords. LOGAN KNITTING FACTORY. Leaders in If KNIT GOODS. ft Main Street. Logan, Utah CARDON, UURNIIAM & CO., Dealers In Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Picture Pic-ture Frames, toves, Ranges and Wall Paper. C. II. BAKER, Home-made add Imported Shoes for Ladies, Gents and Children Fine Repairing a Specialty. 13 West Center St. Logan, Utah SPANDE FURNITURE CO. Having bought our goods in the Eastern market for our spring traVle, wo are able to give you good bargains In everything needed In the home. CACHE VALLEY LUMBER YARD A. l. skanciiy, Dealer in Building Material and Buildcrs's Hardware, Hard-ware, Chicken Fencing, Bolts an Screws. Yards 21 blks South of Thatcher Bank LOGAN NOVELTY SHOP. R. M. Rolfsen, Prop. Dealer in Bicycles, Guns and Ammu nltlon. Repaired Machinery. Key fitting and Saw Filing, etc. 38 West 1st North street. DR. P. M. PAULSON. DENTIST. Best Set of Teeth $10.00 Filling Teeth 1.00 Cleaning Teeth 1.00 Highest class Crown and Bridge AVork at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Ofllcc over U. O. store. 1 NEW BUILDING. NO INSIDE ROOMS. HOTEL EAGLE. : AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN. i ZEPH THOMAS, Proprietor. 1 up-to-date hotel. 25 North Main Street. SIX LAHOE BAMl'LK UOOMB. T TVT V HACK MEETS ALL TltAINS. L,Ogafl, Utah. City Livery and Feed Stable I OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, MA IN STREET, LOGAN. Best of care given to animals Commercial men and other persons need H Ing livery wljl Bcccive careful attention. PRICES REASONABLE. jfl v I PORTER & STANTON I $3.50 I Royal Blue Shoe I IS THE SOLE OK HONOR. jH For. sale by H James Quayle & Co I SIGNS! I A LL K I ;K 1) S. M C 1 T Y V A 1 N T SHOP. M 3(1 S. Main St. M C. V. IIanskx, - - Proprietor. H Plenty of Cheap Money' to Loan H Tho largest and best list of H Real Estate of all kinds for H sale. iKlrst-class insurance H Company, ''and wc do all H k i ik W of 'legal work. H .nz. STEWAHT. fl A, H. PALMER I The Plumber H .17 Westlst North Street. H GAHDe HOSE SPRINKLERS H etc. Just arrived from the Factory. M 10 cents per foot and up. M When In tliu capital city stop at tlio H Windsor 'Hotel, M SALT LAKE CITY H Contrail)- Locnl'l.suutli of Kcnyon Hotel, Main Struct. Kurypoaii plan. Katos reason- H alilo. Htntu trady solicited. - 1 G.W.LINDQUIST, I i Undertaker. H 1st North St. East of Tithing Office. H 7 H Joseph E. Wilson Jr. H CONTRACTOR jH and Dealer In Ccilicntyis prepared to contract for sldcwalk'work, cellar and H stable floors, audi reservoirs. Call at H 128 South First East St. M James C. Walters, M ATTOREY-AT-LAW. M lirstNaUo'iml llanl Logan, Utah. H |