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Show FOUND IN THE BIBLE. Quotation That Effectually Squelched Fresh Young Man. Hugh O, Pentecost, who fell out of orthodoxy several years ago, and slnco then has been climbing laboriously and not very offectunlly back ngaln, told of n story that was sent to his Twentieth Century by n contributor. Although tho point wns against his atheistic opinions, Pentecost was sufficiently suf-ficiently "liberal" to see Its force. It seems thnt n certain Parson Good-loo Good-loo of Kentucky wns detained ono wet night nt a small tavern In tho wilds of the WeBt Among thoso who gnthorcd about tho stove was a youth who greatly "fancied himself," nnd when the talk turned upon matters of ro-llglon, ro-llglon, gavo uttcranc'o to somo very heretlcnl views. "Why Is It," said ho pompously, "why Is It that Jesus didn't answer 6omo of the honest, brainy fellows of his time some young thinker llko mo?" "My friend," said tho dominie, quietly, quiet-ly, "you seem to have read tho Illblo to llttlo purpose." "How bo?" Interrupted the young Infidel. In-fidel. "I've read tho Bible, nnd thoro'a nothing In It llko thnt," "Oh, yes, there Is," nnswered tho parson; "you'll find the quotation In John, twolfth chapter, fourteenth verse." "And what does It Bay?" asked tho youth, scornfully. "It says," replied Goodloo, calmly, "'And Jesus, when ho found n young ass, Bat thereon.' "Now York Times. |