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Show t-f-f-fj HIS THIRST FOR LEARNING. " H Young Man Willing to Give Up What IH He Had for the Privilege. bbI A young man cnterod a collogo of- H flee, and, touching tho president's H arm, askod In a peculiar mountain H broguo: "Bo yo the man who sells H larnln?" Boforo tho prosldent could H answor, ho askod again: "Look hore, IH mlBtcr, do you uns run this here H thing?" H Tho president replied: "Yos, my M man, whon tho thing Is not running H mo. What can I do for you?" H "Heaps," was tho only roply. Thoa M after a pauso ho said: "I has hoarn H that you uns educato poor boys hore, M and, being as I am poor, thought I'd M como and seo If 'twas so. Do yo?" ' M Tho president replied that poor H boys attended tho collcgo, but that It H took money to provide for thom; that H thoy wero expected to pay something. M He was greatly troubled. "Have you H anything to pay for your food and M lodging?" H His face brightened as he ropltod: M "Yes, sir, I has a little apottod steer, H and, If you uns will let mo, I'll stay H wld you till I lam htm up." |