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Show I The Rich Cache, Mining Company I principal places of business, Logan City, Utah. I Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of Trustees of I The Rich-Cache Mining Company, held ou tin 14th day of February 1003, an assess"1 nt of seven and one-half (71) mills per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable pay-able on or before March 20th 1003 to Fred Turner, treasurer of said company, com-pany, at his office in' Logan City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment assess-ment may remain unpaid on the 20th day of March, 1903, will be dcllnguent and advertised for sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payment is made bc--A fore, will be sold at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the lGth day of April 1903, at the front door of the Cache County Court House, Logan City, Utah to pay the delinquent assessment, together to-gether with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. I Edwakd IIanskn i Secretary. The Rlfch-Cachc Mining Company Logan City. Utah, dated this 10th day of Fcbruary,ll)0:i. By order of the board of directors made March 18th, 1903, the date for the above assessment to bo paid, was extended to the 20th day of April, 1903. Also the sale of delinquent stock at that date is extended to May 15th, 1903, at the same place as above indicated. in-dicated. Edwakd Hansen, Secretary of the Rlch-Cacho Mining Company. Report ot tho Condition of The first National Bank at Loean. In tho Statu of Utali. at theAiso of business. April 0. 1003. KESOUKCKS. Loans and Discount j(..$l.3M.S0 Overdrafts, bccured and unsecured.. 17.849.04 ' U.H. Bonds to secure clrcujatloil.... 12.500.00 Stocks, becurltles. etc..-. . M Ilankinir house, fumltuto and fixtures fix-tures ... M Duo from National llankV (not reserve res-erve snouts) l-f '!? . Duu from Htato llanks an4 linkers. .8.033.03 K Duo from approved reservV a'trents.. 40.MO.30 I Checks and other cash Itcnfcl Notes of other National Hants 3J.0O Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 13-'B LAWFUL MOSKV IlKSKItVK IN HANK. VI 7. i Specie JH.-JT5.S0 Lecal-temler notes.... 040.00 I5.115.-J0 I Kedemptlon fund with IT. S. Treas- I urcr (5 per cent of circulation) ICjOO Total B3U3MS MAMMTIKS. Capital stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus fund 10.000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid " National Hank notes outstanding... 1-.jx.00 Duo to approved reserve airents... .3 M. Individual deports subject to check U0.W5.Sfl Domaml certificates of deposit 5.00tUJ , Time certificates of deposit lft""'!,? I Cashier's checks oMntamllmr ' Total SBI.OWS Statk or Utah. (.,,,,. County of Cache, I"' I, Allan M. I'lemlnif. Cashier of the alKive-named bunk, do solemnly swear that the aliovo statement is true to the lest of my knowledge and liellef. AU.AN M, 1'i.emino. Cashier. SubscrlU'd and sworn to before me this llth day of April, 1 1KB. (skai.) J. O. Wai.teus, Notary Public. Co itiiKOT Attest: James cjpayi.e. i John II. Anpehso.v. tf!t J. E. SlItl'AIII). pf" Directors. |