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Show HOW HE MADE A FRIEND. Leniency of Deputy Attorney General Is Rewarded. Ono of tho first official duties of Maurice D. Dlumcnthal, tho now deputy depu-ty nttornoy goncrnl, was to bring up tho caso of a man charged with attempting at-tempting to voto twlco at a recont election. Tho mattor had beon pending pend-ing slnco last October and tho defendant defend-ant had been in Jail from that timo. Upon Investigation It dovolopcd that tho culprit had nover been convicted of crime, was CI years old, a consumptive, consump-tive, and that ho was drunk at tho timo ho committed the crlmo. Accordingly, Ac-cordingly, on a pica of "guilty," Mr. niumonthal askod that sentonco be suspended during good bohavlor, and this was dono. After tho Judge announced his decision, de-cision, Mr. Ulumonthal turned to tho fellow and said; "Dehavo yourself In tho future, and you won't bo back here again." To this tho happy man rosponded: "You'ro a dacent man with his heart In tho rolght placo, Mr. Blumcn-thnl, Blumcn-thnl, and any timo you'ro runnln' for ofhec, I'll tako a chanco for you, drunk or sober." Now York Tlmos. |