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Show KNEW HOW TO CHARGE. Paris Restaurant Where Viands Came High on Certain Occasion!. Ono of tho best restaurants in Paris Is Blgnon's, but nono but tho wealthy ovor patronize it moro than onco on nccount of tho oxtortlonato charges. Thoro arc no prices on tho bill of faro, nnd a patron nover knows what his meal is to cost him till ho gets his bill. A stranger dining thcro In April ordered a melon. "What I" ho exclaimed, when his bill was presented to him. "Thirty frnncs for a melon! You nro Joking!" "Monsieur," said Blgnon, "if you can find throo or four nt tho samo prlco I will buy them." "Fifteen francs for a peach!" said a Russian prlnco on another occasion. "They must bo very senrce." "It isn't tho peaches that aro scarco, your highness, It is princes," replied Blgnon. "Monsieur Blgnon, n red herring at 2 H; francs! Isn't that exorbitant?" asked another customer. "It is to your interest, monsieur. My prices nro tho barrier I liavo established estab-lished between classes. Why do you como here? To bo among yourselves. It I change my prices tho house would ho Invaded, and you would all havo to leave." Another patron complained of a sauce. "Did you dfno hero last ovon-ing?" ovon-ing?" naked Blgnon. "No." "Ah, that Is tho troublo! You spoiled spoil-ed your tasto In somo other restaurant." |