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Show The county Court. Petition of Geo. L. Farrell and fifty four others asking for tho organization organiza-tion of two school districts out of Pctcrsboro and a part of Mcndon school districts was taken up for consideration. con-sideration. Attorney W. W. Maughan appeared for the petitioners and Attorney At-torney P. E. Keeler appeared for the Protestants, the former comprising citizens of Petcrboro, tho latter of Mcndon precinct. After tho testimony testi-mony from both sides was considered by the board, the said petition was dismissed w Ithout prejudice. Tho petition of the Rocky Mountain Moun-tain IScll Telephone company asking for a franchise to erect a telephone line to Mention, Newton and Clark-ston Clark-ston was granted under certain restrictions. re-strictions. The proposed line is to be commenced within thirty dajs and completed within ninety dajs from the granting of the franchise. The franchlso provides that two telephones tele-phones shall bo placed In the court house, the said Instruments to be maintained by the telephone company, and the service or use of said telephones tele-phones by all county ofllccrs for county coun-ty business to be free of charge. |