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Show OTRANQE DI8H ON MENU. Youno Woman Who Christened It It Under Grave Suspicion. A very earnest young Kngllshmnn Is 1'rof. Francis H. Tabor, superintendent superin-tendent of Tho Boys' Club of Tenth Street and Avenue A, says tho Now York Times. Ills sociological labors and tho fact that ho has redeemed wholo regiments of East SIdo boys do not wholly detract from tho grnvo Impression mado by his manners nnd presence, nor fall to striko awo to tho hearts of society. Prof. Tabor, who is a Cambridge man, was recently asked to dlno at tho homo of a friend to meet a ion Just returning from student work at tho famous English university. Tho daughter of tho houso and her girl frlonds designed special menus for tho occasion. When the tlmo camo to wrlto in tho various items, "deviled "dev-iled turkoy" served as a bono of contention. con-tention. "It looks horrid, doesn't It?" said tho daughter of tho houso. "This Is my first dinner party, and I don't wnnt to spoil it by offending so Ber-ious Ber-ious a man." "What shall wo do?" exclaimed a companion. "Wo can't call It 'pop-pcrcd,' 'pop-pcrcd,' 'grlddlcd,' 'curried,' or 'sauted,' 'saut-ed,' becnuso it's Just 'deviled,' that's all as hot as Satan's residence." "I know! Wo'll Just uso dashes." When tho much-traveled professor explored his 'dainty menu thnt evening, even-ing, ho wns somewhat surprised to find that among other excellent dishes was: "D d Turkey." Tho rest of tho diners hcliovo that tho bud's mlBchicf savored of too much wit to have been born out of mcro Ignorance |