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Show jfe', SADDE9T KIND OF POVERTY. KJHl Mental Destitution Worse Than Lack fefiB of Spending Money. Rv-H No other form of poverty can com K HE paro with mental destitution. Though II Mf a man own neither Iioubcs nor lands IT WE nor money, yet, If ho has n cultivated B'. f- mind and broad mental horizon, If Hr B tho door of his Intellect has been RP"!B opened wide, so that ho drinks In hK' beauty and intelligence wherever ho && . goes, nuil If hu has dovuloped his Mkm sympathies so that ho Is In touch EfeK.'' with life at all points, ho 1ms found QyH tho secret of success and happiness. H?K ' , On tho other hand, If a man merely Kilff'' i accumulates millions of dollars, BS!jj, ',' though he own broad acres and llvo BfjK5 In a palace, If hlH mind has boon BIB, starved, If ho Is Intellectually poor, H ho will Know nothing of tho world Elmf" beautiful In books, ho will sco notli- Pk' - Ing to admire In urt, notlilng to K&: sootho or cluvato In music, sas Sue- EgfEr cess; If ho has been wholly absorbed HapJjL, . In crowding mid elbowing his way ESjB? through tho world to tho total neglect HfiKf" of Ills higher nature, In spite of his HyS$ liouscs and lands, his pnlatlal rosl- KjSt' denco and all his costly surround- RolF Ings, ho Is tho most despicable and KSK pitiable kind of pauper. HE Wt Saving money and starving tho BgTj1 mind Is tho poorest business Hint any E""JRf human being can possibly engngo In. 1)";B Wear threadbare clothes, if nccea- Rl sary; sleep In a baro attic, If you H must; sncilflco legitlniato but tinncc- B ' ossary (imtisornonlfl; do nny thing In Ed reason rather than starve your mind, WU- Feed thnt at any cost short of Injur- K i Ing health. K; A youth who has learned tho alpha- W hot hns tho key to nil powor. Ho can ML mako royal Investments, for mental KV Investment Is tho greatest anyono can HT-. mako. It Is a form of wealth that K1' r will stand by ono when panics or RIms' other misfortunes liavo swept away KrH property, when friends fnll away, BfeS'' when tho whole world seems to liavo B? B turned against you. No matter what Ei ft happens, If you liavo a rich mind, if KjKjs. your intellect Is a storchouso of pre BJfiJt clous knowledge, you can novor In BttJ'" reality bo poor. |