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Show NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Hi No. 5337. Wt Department ot tlio Interior. Bfl Land Olllco at Salt Lake City, March SOtli. 1W3. Notice Is hereby (riven that tho following named settler lias Hied notice of Ids intention H to makullnal proof in sumwrt of his claim, H and that said lironf will 1m mado beforo tlio H County Clerk of llox Elder County. Utah, at HI Urlcliam City, Utah, on May 14th. 11)03, viz: Kl I'lillenr Hall. II. E. 12,3)8. for tlio Lot 1 and 2 K Pee 30 Tp 14 N. It 3 W. and EX NEK Sec 23 T 1 14 ii It 4 i P. u lf ? Ho names tho following- witnesses to provo S his continuous residence upon and cultlva- K tlon of said land, viz! O. O. llnsklns. David K Hall. Allah Moss and Joslah Hosklns all of ff est I'ortatrc, Utah. 1'hank D. Ilonns, ff Itee1s.tcr V mi -ir m PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. 1 Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign- era for Further Information. f : I In the District Court, Probate Division In and 1 for Cache County, State of Utah. K summons. I In tlio District Court of Cacbo County, ra Alberta Illelow Stoutrio 1'lalntliT ) K LukoStouulo V"' Summons. I Defendant. ) Tlio Stato ot Utah, to tlio said Defendant: You aro hereby isummoned to appear with- M In twenty days after tlio service of this Summons upon you, If served within tlio county In which tills action Is broucht, other- wise, within thirty days after service, and M defend the above entitled action; and In caso ot your failure so to do, judgment will bo rendered against you according to tlio do- Vm mand of tlio complaint, of which a copy is ffl herewith served upon you. V. W. Mauttlian. M I'lalntllT'H Attorney.. Post OIUco Address: Loiran,!Cachc Co. Utah. H 38t April 2S NOTICE TO CKEDITOItS 9 Estate of William E. Partington Deceased. 9 Creditors will present claims with vouchers M to tho undersigned at tlio resldenc ot Enga M Partington In Logan City In tlio County of 'M Cache and Stato of Utah, on or beforo tho twenty-first day of January A. I). 11)04. j Date of first publication March 20th A. D. 1003. i ENOA I'AUTINGTON. ' JOSEPH ALMA l'AHTINQTON. Eitecutorsof tlio last will and of thn estntn nf Wllllnm K. lnrtln(rt,w IV . niiuuiuiuvaitiiuui milium r.. I nrilllgwn. f ' deceased. ' i 39tApr.22 t . NOTICE TO CItEDITOnS j ESTATE OF SAMUEI, 11ITTON, IIEOEABEI). Credltoi s will present claims with vouchers to tlio undersigned at his residence In Logan City In tlio County of Cache and Stato of Utah.onor beforu tlio first day of Juno, A. 1).. una. I'lrst Publication January 30. A. I). 11)03. SAMUEL 11. M1TTON, Administrator. . NOTICE TO CltEDITOItS. Estate of John Nolson. deceased. I Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at tlio olllco of Jamos O. t Walters, attorney at law, I,ogau. Utah on or 3 before tlio 25th day of Juno A.I). 11)03. f Datoot first publication, I'ebruary 21st A. : D.WW. M EDWAHD W. NELSON, administrator ll of tlio estatu.lohn Nelson. Deceased. M NOTICE TO CltEDITOItS. M Estato of Laura A. fellows, Deceased. H Creditors will present claims with vouchors a to tlio undersigned at Ills residence In Hydn m Parkin tlio County of Cache and Stato of iil Utah, on or lieforo tho twenty-fifth day ot 9 Juno A, D, 1U03. M I'ato of first publication I'ebruary 21th A. (9 OEOItnEZ. LAMIl Administrator. m NOTICE TO CltEDITOItS. jjl Estato of Johanmis Nielsen, alias .lohnNol- H son. deceased, WU Creditors will present claims with vouchers &M to tho undersigned at tlio olllco of .1. . Stuw- v Efl art ovor tho I'lrst National Hank In Logan V M City. Utah, on or beforo the ifthday of July J) Kl A. I), ll). 'i2l m Doto of Srst publication March 3, 1003. ( ... J. O. KNOWLE8 Executor M of tho last will and testamcntiof Johumms Melen, alias John Nolson, deceased. M Stewart & Stewart, Attorney. t i j |