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Show POINTER FOR THE WOMEN. M Two Thing Forgotten In the Fur- nlshlng of Men's Rooms. Metaphysicians havo been asking H each other, "What Is beauty?" for these many hundred years, and wo B will not outer the lists. H As regards the decoration of houses, howovcr, ono may safely as- sort that tho essential points to bo sought for aro simplicity and com- fort. A room must be beautiful as M. Jourdaln spoke prose without ' knowing It and attempts at cmbel- ltshmcnt necessarily end In failure. ; Thoro aro somo rooms that remind ikH ono of painted, bojowclcd old women, JHI others of fragrant damsels with a iHI flower In their hnlr. Somo rooms aro iH reposeful and Invito conversation; ll others Jar, and lnduco unhapplness iH and melancholy. iH "What song tho syrens sang, or jH what namo Achilles assumed when ilH ho hid himself among maidens, ! tH though puzzling questions, are not SH beyond nil conjecture" Thus said fH Sir Thomas Browne. iH But who shall fathom tho mysto- LH rlous mind of woman when sho sets ''H forth to organize tho homo? Why ' H thoso Bplndly, uncanny chairs, on H which no mortal man can sit and bo H unafraid? Why that abundance of H brlc-a-brac, tho collection of photo- graphs In hideous llttlo frames, H thoso heavy, foolish albums? H Choirs, a table, a pipe rack, and a H bookcase these bo man's equipment, H and ho possesses his soul In peace. H Woman, the dusting animal, accumu- H latcs the unnecessary, and revels In ' H needless ornament. The King. H |