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Show NEWS FROM IIYRUM Sky-Scrapers Removed. Also News from Mendon. ISp. John F. Wright returned from California Thursday. He is looking well and enjoyed his visit there the past winter. The members of tho Third Ward wcresturtlcd Sunday timing the afternoon after-noon meeting, by aciack in the celling cell-ing and a long stilp of paper falling oil. This paper was Just put on two weeks ago, and was evidently screwed up too tight. Our Military comnilttco Is making trouble for people who have constructed construct-ed and own "sky scrapers." They arc, however, performing a good mission mis-sion ami wc hope they will cause tho sky to have a rest and some scraping done around a lot of old corrals nnd out houses. This Is the time of tho year to "clean-up" and exterminate everything that will foster disease germs. Mr. Oison Hcnson has opened up a a paint shop nnd Intends beautifying many houses this summer. Mr. Lars Peterson and II. P. Hansen Han-sen have given their residence a beautiful beau-tiful appeaiancc by a now coat of paint. They used tho Sherman Williams Wil-liams paint, sold by tho Ilyrum Co-op. Hon. Soren Hansen has purchased from the co-op a largo bill of paint with which to beautify his fine new residence. Work is progressing nicely on the ISlacksmithfork road,repalrlng bridges etc. Tho "Merry Milkmaids" presented by the IS. Y. College students Saturday Satur-day evening went off with a hum that amused tho audience and gave satisfaction satis-faction in general. Tho chorus was very good, good enough for anybody. The solos wcro not so well rendered. Tho girls mado "goo-goo" ejes at their leader naughty. Tho band boys nearly drove the town crazy, practicing practic-ing on scales and high notes between "times." They played well but practice prac-tice badly. |