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Show ROUND TRIP ONE WAY. How Railroad Agent Figured Ho Would Make Money. Former Gov. Hogg of Texas Isn't as bloodthirsty as his "lung-llver-nnd-lights" speech would Indicate, but he never fails to tnko a rap at tho railroads. rail-roads. Just before tho last Democratic Demo-cratic national convention, "Hnrry" Archer, passenger agent of the Kansas Kan-sas City Southern, offered a $C round-trip round-trip rato to such Texans as wished to attend the convontton, and Hogg, mooting Archer In tho lobby of a hotol, Jokingly referred to tho low rato as an evidence of how much the railroads rail-roads profited on tho futl thrco cent a mllo rate for ordinary passengers. "And I supposo you'll make money on this $5 for the round trip?" said the big man. "Wo certainly will, for wo'll only carry you fellows ono way," replied Archer. "Ono wny?" exclaimed Hogg. "You advertise this as a round trip." "That's true," replied Archer, "but we figure that such of tho boys as don't blow out the gas when they get to Kansas City, will bo run over by tho trolley cars." |