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Show DRINKS WERE TOO WEAK. Why Plasterer Broke Record on Finishing a Job. "At my homo at Marengo." said Con gressman Huplo of Iowa, "I onco needed need-ed to hnvo a dlfllcult Job of plastering done, and tho only plasterer capablo of tho work was so confirmed a drunkard as to bo qulto untrustworthy. I sent for him,' nnd ho ngrced to take tho Job, provided that, as long as It was in progress, I would give him all tho gin nnd water he could drink. " 'I ngreo to your condition,' I said, 'but you must lot mo mix your drinks for you.' "'Oh, you can mix them,' tho pins-toror pins-toror replied, and ho got to work. Soon he was calling for gin nnd water. I gavo him a tnblespoonful of tho gin In a pint of water. Ho downed tho weak mixture, smiled knowingly, and called for more. Ho saw what my game was and thought that by drink-tog drink-tog enough wnter ho could manage to beat me and get enough gin. But In his second drink I put a pint and a half of water. That was too much for him; ho did not take it. " 'I see that I must hurry through this Job.' ho said, and ho finished It by working like a demon In less than a day. " 'In two years this Is tho first pleco of work I'vo done,' he told mo afterward, after-ward, 'without sandwiching In a drunk or two.' " |