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Show TOO MUCH FOR GOLDEN. Actor Floored by His Little Nephew's Question. Out In Uutte, Mont., a town noted for its copper mines and absolute barrenness bar-renness of all things elso, Richard Golden has a nephew. He calls him the brightest of tho present generation genera-tion of Goldcns, the lad being now G years of ago and having abandoned tho Santa Claus theory somo years ago. When "Foxy Qulller" was presented In Butto, Golden says ho went around to see "tho folks." Ho had been In tho houso about fourteen minutes when Wtllio camo to his Uncle Dick and blurted out a lino of questions on tho origin of llfo tiiat almost floored floor-ed tho comedian. Recovering, partially, partial-ly, tho old tradition a part of It, at least flashed across bis mind. Ho replied: "The storks bring thorn, my boy. In tho night tlmo the mamma stork brings tho llttlo darling down and hangs It on a tree In a baBkot. Then in tho morning mamma and papa go out and got it. Do you see?" Wllllo was silent a moment. Ho was thinking. Then his lip curled. "Say, what are you glvln' us, undo? I was borned In Butto and thcro ain't a treo in town!" Mr. Golden did not carry the discussion dis-cussion beyond this point |