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Show A TALL BLACKBIRD 8TORY. Honest Old Darky Makes Another Contribution Con-tribution to Literature. "Well, sub," said Uro. Lucklo, as tho shavings fell from his piano, going go-ing along tho rough way of tho plank, "you don't see no blackbirds In Atlanta At-lanta now, lak what you uso ter sco." "Blackbirds?" "Yes, suh! Scnco deso tall bulldln's como up, doy don't fly over lak In do olo days. I woll remembers w'en I lived nigh Medlock's, a drove of blackbirds como 'long, one-half mile wldo and ton foot deep. Yes, suh! You white folkB don't b'l'ovc dat now; but dey's lots of old cullud folks 'member 'mem-ber dero days! I wuz younger don dan what I Is now; en ono day, 'long 'bout do time blackbirds wuz n'flyin', I took my gun en cropo up on do cowshed, bo's ter git a good shot at 'cm, en not tor strain my gun, en bless God, hero dey como! Dey wuz full halmtlo wldo en ten foot deep des lak I toll you en dey darkened do sun fer full fifteen minutes so much so dat do chickens 'lowed dat night wuz como, en gono tor roos'! Well, suh. I shet my cyo en pull loose on 'em 'twel I hear do double-barrel gun go 'How! Dow!' en don doy commenco fallln'! Dey felled en dey foiled en doy felled 'twel do barnyard wuz black wld 'cm; en I slid down, I did, fum dat cowshed, en picked up two barrels of 'cm! En dat ain't do wusst of it, kazo fer ten whole days atter dat do people picked up blackbirds fer ten mllo fum what I fust let fly at 'em; en fer two months doy wuz nuttln' but blackbird plo In dat neighborhood; Ef you don't b'l'ovo what I tollln' you, des ask Dock Smith ho wuz dar, en ho seen It!" Atlanta Constitution. |