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Show GLOOMY PICTURE DRAWN. Mlaarahl ronHtllM Bslst Abm Agri roll u nil Labor Kaslern Oaltrl. After a apeclal investigation among the agricultural laborers In Ksstera Oslleis, the Vienna Ncue . Kreie rreeae drawa a gloomy picture of the miserable coaditluns which led to the existing strike. The average mortality mortal-ity from fa ruins for aeveral jeers past, according to the paper, aggregated fto.ooo. La bore re' wage range from I to 10 oenta a day, and women earn 4 to 8 cents per day. The peasanta rarely ! taste breed and exist chiefly on a soup. the principal Ingredients of which are water and herbs. A Vienna dispatch on June SOth said that a great strike of agricultural laborers la-borers was In progress In (iallcla, the laborera demanding an Increase In the wagea of 6 cents a day for men and 8 cents a day for women to double that amouoL |