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Show CHINESE AND HIS PEN. Llttla Anecdote that Shows Defines! 1 of thi Oriental. A certsln newspaiier mnn, who was Induced in "try" a stylographln pen, got It out of order by rei klesa treat. 1 ment, and look It to a pen shop for ! repair. The man there anon allowed i hltn that there was nothing serious tho matter wllh It, the only trouble being that he had ncgli-cted to do some lltllii thing In using It. Then ho began to take tho pen apnrt rnr die newspaper man's Instruction, so that he might see how very simple a thing It Is. "Hlmplo!" cried the Indignant owner ' f Hie Instrument, "It Is aa complicated complicat-ed aa a Chinese puszlnt I don't won- j dor that I can't mak, it -go' when I want It to!" Tho penman laughed. "Ion remind me." he snld. "that ! there Is a Chinese In this town who j used a stylographlc regularly. He camo i here to buy one aeveral month, ago, '' and when 1 ahowed It to hi in ha began i to tako It all ,p,rt I hurriedly slopped him, suppoBlng that he would '' do it an Injury, hut he at once put i down the value of the pen, saying i that It was his. and then continued ! his dissection of It. give you my word that ho handled that pen more ' deftly than tho man who made It, and In llvo minutes he had It put together to-gether again, so that It worked better than it did at first. Those fellow! beat the world at understanding 111 tin detail!. Now, in Irishman or an American I beg yuur pardon could never have dona that; and, remember, remem-ber, It waa the first pen of the kind 1 the Uhluaae ever ." Vhlla.lelphla " ' lleeord. j |