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Show Thorough Paced Economy. J A young man living in Cincinnati Ii a clisie worker In money matters, ,', that la, he atayi close to the shore- V, wllh his expenditures. Ho had tha , good luck to marry a girl whose, parent! are quite wealthy, and Is at present living with his wife In ono " of hi! father-in-law'! houaei. ono day not long ilnco, while dla- , , cuaslng affair! with a friend, tin laf j, ter asked: "" "Did the old gcntlemun give you that house?" "Weller-no, not exactly," was tho answer. "Ho offered It to me, but I wouldn't accept It." How. that?" asked the friend. " "Well," answered the man who had made tho lucky matrimonial venture. "You sne, the house really belonga to 'l me. I'm living In it. rent freo. and I ll get It whet, the old man dies, it " " I accepted It now I'd have to pay tlu taxes." . . ab- |